2016 - New Plans and Ongoing Projects in SA
Welcome to 2016! We hope this year brings good news for architects and for South Australia!
The ACA – SA committee has already met for the first time in 2016 and is planning a number of new initiatives. We are particularly excited about the State of the Profession research work currently underway. The response to survey conducted late last year was extremely encouraging.The results of are currently being analysed by Justine Clark and Gill Matthewson, and we expect the project will be complete by March. Filling out surveys can be tiresome but we are grateful for the commitment from those who participated.
Our first roundtable is planned for 3 March and we are planning further roundtables with ESD consultants and one on dealing with site contamination later in the year.
ACA is only as good as its members: please contact us if there are issues that you believe we should be addressing!
Liaison with DPTI
Over the coming year we will pursue various issues with DPTI, including prequalification and procurement. If you have any views on prequalification, including category criteria and value levels, operational issues or ways to improve the system, contact David Kilpatrick at d@kilpatrick.net.au.
White Card Training
At this stage we only have one place left for the training session scheduled for 1 March. Contact Sascha at sa@aca.org.au if you are interested.
Liaison with MBA
Early in the new year we will meet with the MBA to discuss revisions to the current tendering guidelines agreed in 2004. We believe it is time to revisit these, particularly in an age of electronic issuing of documents and lodgement of tenders. If you have any other agenda items which you feel should be discussed contact Graham Hardy at graham@hardymilazzo.com.au
Keith Neighbour Study Group
A new group will start shortly for graduates preparing for their registration exams. For further information contact Ian Hore at ian.hore@walterbrooke.com.au
Australian Institute of Architects NSS Seminar: Tendering
This seminar will explore the world of competitive tendering. It will allow you to better navigate the tender process, from pursuit through to submission.
Welcome to 2016! We hope this year brings good news for architects and for South Australia!
The ACA – SA committee has already met for the first time in 2016 and is planning a number of new initiatives. We are particularly excited about the State of the Profession research work currently underway. The response to survey conducted late last year was extremely encouraging.The results of are currently being analysed by Justine Clark and Gill Matthewson, and we expect the project will be complete by March. Filling out surveys can be tiresome but we are grateful for the commitment from those who participated.
Our first roundtable is planned for 3 March and we are planning further roundtables with ESD consultants and one on dealing with site contamination later in the year.
ACA is only as good as its members: please contact us if there are issues that you believe we should be addressing!
Liaison with DPTI
Over the coming year we will pursue various issues with DPTI, including prequalification and procurement. If you have any views on prequalification, including category criteria and value levels, operational issues or ways to improve the system, contact David Kilpatrick at d@kilpatrick.net.au.
White Card Training
At this stage we only have one place left for the training session scheduled for 1 March. Contact Sascha at sa@aca.org.au if you are interested.
Liaison with MBA
Early in the new year we will meet with the MBA to discuss revisions to the current tendering guidelines agreed in 2004. We believe it is time to revisit these, particularly in an age of electronic issuing of documents and lodgement of tenders. If you have any other agenda items which you feel should be discussed contact Graham Hardy at graham@hardymilazzo.com.au
Keith Neighbour Study Group
A new group will start shortly for graduates preparing for their registration exams. For further information contact Ian Hore at ian.hore@walterbrooke.com.au
Australian Institute of Architects NSS Seminar: Tendering
This seminar will explore the world of competitive tendering. It will allow you to better navigate the tender process, from pursuit through to submission. For more information see the Institute website.