ACA National Webinar Program
The ACA National Webinar Program offers the opportunity for practitioners to join a national discussion on the business of architecture, while also gaining CPD.
BoSP Brisbane Xmas Drinks
The QLD/NT Committee is hosting an end-of-year BoSP celebration, with Rebecca Caldwell welcoming attendees back to Maytree for a night of live music, refreshments and swapping war stories with colleagues and friends.
Insights from the ARB Systemic Risks Report
informed by Planned Cover is offering a 15% discount for ACA members for its final national webinar of the year on 27 November. Dr Dariel De Sousa from Dart Legal and Consulting will discuss the key issues arising from this year’s Deep Dive Report into Systemic Risks in the Australian Architecture Sector.
2024 Melbourne Christmas catch-up
The ACA Victoria/Tasmania Branch Committee warmly invites ACA members to come and celebrate with Christmas drinks 6pm Tuesday 26 November. Bring along members of your team and enjoy refreshments and city views from high up on the terrace at the Macquarie Building on Collins Street, Melbourne. Book now!
SA President's Xmas Drinks
ACA SA Branch President Mario Dreosti and the SA Branch Committee invite members to join us for our annual President’s Christmas Drinks at Casa Bla Bla on Thursday 28 November. Book now!
WA Xmas Drinks at Lums
2024 has flown by, and it's time to celebrate! ACA WA President Kukame McPierzie and the Committee invite you to join us for drinks at Lums Wine Bar, a cosy and vibrant spot in Subiaco.
Collaborative event on the ACA Time Cost Calculator Guide
On Wednesday 16 October, the Regional Architecture Association (RAA) will host an online event with Paul Viney ACA Vic/Tas Branch President, on the ACA's Time Cost Calculator Guide. ACA members are eligible to attend free of charge.
Breakfast discussion with ACT Government Architect
Join the ACA NSW/ACT on Wednesday 23 October for an insightful breakfast event that explores key design issues in Canberra, from macro to micro. Hosted by Artisan Exterior in Fyshwick, this gathering will feature the ACT Government Architect, Catherine Townsend.
Brisbane Trivia Night 2024
The Brisbane Trivia Night is back! Get ready for an unforgettable night of fun and competition on Friday 25 October with popular Quiz Master and former ACA QLD/NT President Robert Wesener. Book your ticket today.
Stepping Up on Flexibility & Studio Culture
How do we nurture and maintain thriving workplace cultures in the era of flexible work? Join Parlour, the ACA and the Champions of Change Architecture group for an important conversation about studio culture, connection, innovation and learning.
Melbourne Financial Literacy Workshop
The ACA and Management for Design (M4D) are offering an exclusive half-day workshop on business financial management on Wednesday 23 October in Melbourne. Help fill gaps in your financial understanding and elevate your business skills by attending this bespoke course created for architecture practices. Don’t miss this opportunity.
SA Practice Managers Roundtable
The ACA SA Committee is delighted to invite you to their next practice managers lunchtime roundtable on Wednesday 2 October at the JPE Design Studio. The discussion will cover quality management and workflow systems. Come armed with questions and be ready to share your own experiences.
Engineer’s Insights
informed by Planned Cover is offering a 15% discount for ACA members for its next national webinar on 26 September, which will investigate challenges in today’s construction industry. An expert panel will discuss changing NSW and VIC legislation and regulations, contractual issues, sub-consultancy, PI insurance and risk management strategies.
Business of Small Practice series – Melbourne launch
The ACA is excited to launch the Business of Small Practice (BoSP) series in Melbourne on 19 September with a great lineup of practitioners ready to talk business! The BoSP forum is a fantastic opportunity for small practice owners to meet up, listen to experts, share knowledge and learn from each other. Don’t miss it. Book now!
Stepping Up on Positive Duty of Care
Join the ACA, Parlour and the Champions of Change Architecture group for a timely conversation about cultivating workplaces in which people thrive – and the constellation of legal obligations requiring practices to do so! Our speakers include Merilyn Speiser of Catalina Consultants, Alex Small of Cox Architecture and Sonia Sarangi of andever and ArchiTeam in conversation with Jess Murphy and Justine Clark. Book now!
Stepping Up on Multicultural Leadership
Join the ACA, Parlour and the Champions of Change Architecture group for an enlivening hopeful conversation about multicultural leadership, which does not shy away from the very real challenges experienced by too many people. Book now for this important session with Zamaneh Khoshdel of AECOM and MAPP and Ann Lau of Hayball.
Economic Insights webinar
Join Danny Chung from Macquarie Bank for an online CPD presentation on 7 August on current business conditions and what to expect in the future. Danny will also cover recent benchmarking research, detailing how over 400 business owners in the built environment are dealing with current market conditions. Book now!
Melbourne Panel Discussion – Succession Planning
Succession planning is critical for the longevity and sustainability of architecture practices and it’s essential to plan well in advance. Join the ACA and our panel of financial experts on 19 July for an interactive face-to-face discussion on succession planning, from tax, funding, valuations and buy-sell agreements to ownerships structures, director pathways and timing. Free for ACA members.
AMWF Melbourne wellbeing talk with Wayne Schwass
The ACA is proud to present wellbeing advocate and former professional sportsman Wayne Schwass for a free interactive discussion about wellbeing and connection. Join us at Brickworks on 1 August for an evening of stories and conversation. An opportunity not to be missed. Book now!
Stepping Up on Navigating Downturns
Join Parlour, the ACA and the Champions of Change Architecture Group for an important conversation about navigating economic cycles in ways that are fair and equitable. Our speakers include Emma Williamson, WA Government Architect; Lynette Apostolou, Chief Operating Officer of AJC Architects; and Pragya Gupta, Senior Associate at Gray Puksand.
Unfair Contract Terms CPD webinar
Join us on 8 August for an informative webinar on unfair contract terms. Learn about critical topics such as professional indemnity insurance, novation, warranties, variations, resourcing, time frames, dispute resolution, proportionate liability, IP and moral rights. Learn how to identify, assess and mitigate risks. Book now!
BoSP Brisbane with Warwick Mihaly
The ACA QLD/NT Committee is excited to host the next Business of Small Practice (BoSP) event on Friday 9 August. Join us for a casual, informative evening with a special guest presentation on fees, profit and tracking business metrics by Warwick Mihaly from Mihaly Slocombe. Limited tickets available. Book now!
SA Business of Design Lunch 2024
The Business of Design Lunch returns to Adelaide this month and it is now SOLD OUT! Thank you to everyone who has purchased a ticket to hear from Clare Cousins on Thursday 21 August. See you there!
Working on Country
The ACA SA Committee is delighted to invite ACA members to a free lunchtime talk on Thursday 11 July at Brickworks during NAIDOC Week. Titled Working on Country, this event will feature three local architects sharing their experiences and knowledge of practical engagement outcomes from recent projects.
How to make a meaningful Acknowledgement of Country
For NAIDOC week 2024, the ACA was proud to host a special presentation by Emma Gibbens and Rhys Paddick from Acknowledge This!, an organisation established to promote cultural understanding and meaningful connection. Rhys and Emma bring their collective experience as an Aboriginal educator and a change strategist to their events to facilitate deep conversations that broaden our perspectives. Book now!
Effective Conflict Management Workshop
Are you comfortable navigating conflict on the building site or in the office? Do you have strategies to resolve disputes and come to a cooperative resolution? Handling conflict is not easy, whether it’s a client, a subcontractor or a staff member. The ACA QLD/NT Committee is offering practical assistance with an AMWF lunch and workshop with Clinical Director of North Brisbane Psychologists, Dr Rachel Hannam.
Stepping Up on Sustainable Hours
Join Parlour, the ACA and the Champions of Change Architecture Group on Tuesday 18 June for a key discussion on strategies for ensuring work hours are reasonable and sustainable. Learn about strategies, policies and protocols from Karen Atfield (Hassell), Ben Green (Embece) and Stephanie Bullock (Kosloff).
WA Business of Design Lunch 2024
The gap between an architect’s perception of their value and the perception of those outside the profession is widening. What tactics and strategies are needed to close this gap? Western Australian Government Architect, Emma Williamson will explore this question at the annual WA Business of Design lunch on Friday 28 June. Early bird pricing available until 9 June. Book now!
BoSP SA – Managing Client Expectations
One of the main reasons for discontent with architectural services is the tension between budget and design expectations. Discussions about finances can be particularly difficult. Join us in Adelaide on 18 June for an insightful Business of Small Practice (BoSP) event with an expert panel offering strategies for effective client management. Book now!
Centred in the regions
The Regional Architects Association is offering ACA members a 15% discount for their upcoming multi-day June event in Yamba on the north coast of NSW. A varied program of activities will include a studio visit, walking tour, engaging speakers, social meals, house visits and a refreshing dip in the ocean.
Brisbane BoSP Launch
The ACA is excited to launch the Business of Small Practice series in Brisbane. These casual, relationship-focused events are aimed at providing radical transparency to help you ground your practice and grow it sustainably – whatever that looks like for you. We are kicking off with Kate Fitzgerald from Whispering Smith and Rebecca Caldwell from Maytree Studios for the launch night on Friday 14 June. Book now!
Unsettling Country
The ACA SA is hosting a series of lunchtime talks that will explore the opportunities and privileges of working on Country and with First Nations people. These talks are an opportunity for Adelaide practices to share knowledge, network and build the cultural understanding of their staff. Our first talk will be held on 30 May at Brickworks during Reconciliation Week.
Negotiation: Putting your practice in the best position
informed by Planned Cover is offering a 15% discount for ACA members for its upcoming CPD webinar on Negotiation. Barrister and mediator Tony Horan will explore the fundamentals of contract negotiation plus tips and risks around dispute resolution. Don’t miss it.
ACA 2024 Elections
It is an election year for all ACA branches! Nominations for election to the ACA committees open on 23 April and close 7 May 2024. Join our branch committees and get involved!
Financial literacy for practice success
The ACA and Management for Design (M4D) are offering an exclusive half-day workshop on business financial management on Wednesday 1 May in Melbourne. Help fill gaps in your financial understanding and elevate your business skills. 3 CPD points. Don’t miss this opportunity.
Duty of Care under the Design and Building Practitioners Act NSW
Sharon Levy from Bartier Perry Lawyers discusses the statutory duty of care under the Design and Building Practitioners Act NSW (2020) in this insightful presentation. Watch this CPD presentation today!
Stepping Up – Crushing the Gender Pay Gap
Join Parlour, the ACA and the Champions of Change Architecture Group for an important conversation about crushing the gender pay gap. Hear insights and strategies from the practices with lower median pay gaps as reported to the WGEA. Special discount pricing for ACA members. Book now!
The Business of Small Practice – Market Matters
The BoSP is back in WA, and the first event of 2024 promises to be a big one! Join ACA WA Vice-President Kate FitzGerald and housing industry experts for an important and timely afternoon of discussion around the housing market and planning system updates. Don’t miss it!
All Things Curved by Stratco
The ACA SA Committee is delighted to invite members to an exclusive event presented by Stratco. Tap into the collective wisdom of the experienced presenters as they discuss the key considerations of design with curved roof or walls. Finish the session with a factory tour, revealing the secrets of the manufacturing process.
Wellbeing of Architects Symposium
The Wellbeing of Architects [education + practice —] symposium on 8–9 May is the culmination of a groundbreaking, four-year research study – the Wellbeing of Architects: Culture, Identity and Practice. The ACA is a proud longstanding partner of the project. ACA CEO Angelina Pillai and National President John Held are delighted to participate in this important symposium alongside a stellar line-up of industry leaders, academics, practitioners and student representatives.
How to Achieve Sustainable Growth in Practice
Many business owners struggle to realise the full potential of their business in terms of enhancing its value. Join ACA Vic/Tas and Chris Dionne from Stellar Business Consulting on 27 March for an insightful lunch presentation at Macquarie Bank on how to grow, fund or exit your business. Numbers are limited, so get in quick to secure your place.
How’s the Amenity? Renewing the Great Australian Dream
Join ACA and Woods Bagot for a panel conversation presented as a part of the Perth Design Week 2024. Dive into density with some of Australia’s most forward-thinking place makers, academics and advocates.
Window Selection for 7-Star Homes
Watch this insightful presentation by the Australian Glass & Window Assocation (AGWA), which explores the intricate details of optimising window selection for 7-star homes.
DBP Audit Findings + 5 Key Australian Standards
Watch this informative presentation on the findings from the Design & Building Practitioner (DBP) Audit by Jonathan Lynch, Manager of the DPB Audits Team. Also hear from NATSPEC CEO Richard Choy on how to use and document Australian Standards. Essential viewing.
Site Tour – National Rugby Training Centre
Join the ACA QLD/NT Committee and Blight Rayner Architects on Friday 22 March for a site tour of the National Rugby Training Centre in Herston Brisbane. Don’t miss out. Book now!
Strategies for Small Practices
informed by Planned Cover is offering a 15% discount for ACA members for its next webinar aimed at small practices. Senior Risk Manager Felicity Dixon and Focus Underwriting’s Claims Manager Karen Wong will share insights into the common claims made against small practices and practical risk management strategies. Don’t miss it!
AMWF Lunch Seminar – Managing Burnout
The ACA QLD/NT Committee is delighted to host an AMWF Lunch Seminar on Managing Burnout with Clinical Director of North Brisbane Psychologists, Dr Rachel Hannam on Thursday 22 February. Book now!
WA Welcome Breakfast 2024
ACA WA invites members and friends to join us for breakfast at Wards Central Dining at Victoria House in Shenton Park.
Claims Trends 2024
informed by Planned Cover is offering a 15% discount for ACA members for its first webinar of the year – Words from the Wise: Claim Trends, presented by insurance and litigation specialists David Fisher and Damian Riggall of Thynne + Macartney.
SA Welcome Breakfast 2024
The ACA SA is kicking off the year with a relaxed breakfast for our branch committee and members at Luigi’s Delicatessen on Tuesday 20 February. Come along to hear from our fantastic guest speaker, catch up with friends and colleagues, and hear about our plans for 2024.
Procurement, Quality & Urban Equity
The ACA is pleased to support the second event in the Building Reform Series by the Melbourne School of Design, which will explore the critical impact of procurement in the building industry. This free two-hour event will include a thought-provoking panel discussion and Q&A with key industry stakeholders. Book now!
AAAG End-of-Year Lunch
The Melbourne-based Architectural Administration & Accounting Group (AAAG) is having its last meeting of the year and an end-of-year lunch at Foreground Architecture in Carlton on 9 November. Newcomers welcome!
Vic/Tas Drinks on the Tower Deck
After a busy year of advocacy and special projects, we’re already coming up to the end of the year. The ACA Victoria/Tasmania Branch Committee is celebrating with Christmas drinks from 5pm Thursday 30 November. ACA members and their teams can enjoy refreshments and city views from high up on the deck at the Macquarie Building on Collins Street, Melbourne.
2023 ACA Annual General Meeting
The Association of Consulting Architects Australia will hold its 2023 Annual General Meeting online on Monday 27 November 2023 at 4.30pm AEST to approve the 2023 General Purpose Financial Report.
WA Xmas Drinks at Lawson Flats
ACA WA President Kukame McPierzie and Committee are hosting drinks at Lawson Flats, Perth’s community-focused members club on 24 November. Members are welcome to join us for a quick after-work drink or stay longer for a relaxed evening with colleagues and friends.
ACA SA President’s Xmas Drinks
ACA SA and National President John Held and the SA Branch Committee invite members to our annual President’s Christmas Drinks at the Seven Stars Hotel on 7 December.
Wellbeing & Our Community
The NSW/ACT Architects Mental Wellbeing Forum (AMWF) is hosting an evening of wellbeing and learning on Thursday 23 November at the Glebe studio of i2C Architects. Book now!
Stepping Up on Safety & Wellness
Join the ACA, Parlour and the Champions of Change Architecture Group for a key discussion about psychological safety and wellness on Monday 23 October. Book now for this informative CPD session with Neil Stonell and Gosha Hayley of Grimshaw and Tanya Awadallah of MHNDU in conversation with Jess Murphy and Justine Clark.
Upcoming Ardex CPD Webinars – September 2024
Ardex Australia is offering weekly CPD webinars throughout September 2024, which aim to educate and aid architects on the topics of waterproofing, tiling and flooring systems.
Beginnings – First Peoples’ Architecture
The Regional Architecture Association (RAA) is collaborating with Gadhungal Marring to run Beginnings, an immersive weekend discovering Australia’s first architecture. Single day and three-day event tickets are still available.
Security of Payment online event
Architects are exposed to contractual and statutory risks on every building project in both the residential and commercial sphere. Please join the ACA NSW/ACT branch committee and Rob Kalde from Bartier Perry for an informative online morning presentation on Security of Payment legislation. FREE for everyone!
Stepping Up on Women in Ownership
Join Parlour, the ACA and the Champions of Change Architecture Group for an important discussion about overcoming the structural and cultural challenges to women attaining ownership positions in larger practices. Speakers include Brett Hudson of Peddle Thorp, Ninotschka Titchkosky of BVN and Gordana Milosevska of Management for Design in conversation with Angelina Pillai and Justine Clark. Book now!!
What are candidates looking for?
The ACA SA Committee invites you to our next Practice Managers lunch with Anna Roussos from ROUSSOS Recruitment. Anna will provide insight into recruitment and the architecture sector in Adelaide.
Risky Business 2023
Join the QLD/NT branch committee on Wednesday 13 September for the popular annual CPD Breakfast on legal, insurance and risk matters in practice. An expert panel, led by Karen Meiklejohn of Planned Cover, will update you on the latest trends and ongoing issues in practice.
Hobart event with Rodney Dillon
The ACA is delighted to host a free lunch event in Hobart on 14 August featuring Rodney Dillon, Palawa Elder and Chair of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Heritage Council, who will present on the Voice to Parliament. Also in attendance will be the ACA CEO, Presidents and team from around the country, who look forward to catching up with Tasmanian members and others in the built environment.
Client Choice Awards 2024
Do you want to learn more about what your clients think of your practice and the service it provides? Enter the Client Choice Awards for 2024 and receive a special report of invaluable client feedback.
2023 Trivia Night
Join the ACA Qld/NT Committee and Quiz Master Robert Wesener for the 2023 Dinner and Trivia Night on Friday 25 August.
Victoria’s Future Cities, Suburbs and Building Reforms
The ACA VIC/TAS branch committee has been working closely with Melbourne University on an upcoming panel discussion event on 20 July on the future of Victoria’s cities, suburbs and building reforms.
Contracts Toolkit 2023
informed by Planned Cover is offering a 15% discount for ACA members for its next national webinar on Contracts on 3 August, featuring Wendy Poulton and Felicity Dixon. The webinar will include an update on essential aspects of consultancy agreements.
Modern slavery research
A shockingly high percentage of workers in the global construction industry are victims of modern slavery. How can Australian architects address the impacts of modern slavery on projects? Take the survey to help Curtin University researchers learn more.
Gap Filler 24 Training Course
The ACA, in association with Moss Architectural Learning, is pleased to support the ‘Gap Filler 24’ training course, with a 10% discount on offer for all members. The next course will commence on 6 March 2024
Adelaide event – Reconciliation Action Plans
To celebrate the ACA’s soon-to-be-endorsed RAP, the SA committee has organised a special presentation on Reconciliation Action Plans in Adelaide on Thursday 6 July.
Darwin Event – Risk Update
The ACA and Planned Cover will run a timely face-to-face seminar in Darwin on Wednesday 26 July on managing risk, avoiding common insurance claims and developing good habits in practice. Book now!
SA Business of Design Lunch 2023
The ACA SA Committee is delighted to welcome guest speaker Andrew Maynard from Austin Maynard Architects for their annual Business of Design lunch on Tuesday 22 August. Tickets selling fast. Don’t miss out!
James Cook University Site Tour
Join the ACA QLD/NT committee on Thursday 22 June for a site tour of the James Cook University (JCU) Technology Innovation Complex in Townsville. Although still in the final stages of construction, this event is a great opportunity to see the building before it’s opened. Book now!
Adelaide Waterproofing Presentation
Join the ACA SA committee and Paul Ratcliff for an invaluable, practical CPD presentation on the assessment of waterproofing design for bathrooms and balconies. Joel Clough and Adam McGlone from Ardex will also join us for a panel discussion.
WA Business of Design 2023
ACA WA proudly announces that Nolan Hunter, a signatory to the Uluru Statement and Head of Engagement at The Uluru Dialogue, will join us at this year’s Business of Design Lunch on 16 June.
NCC Changes Webinar
Watch this CPD on demand for a comprehensive overview of the upcoming changes to the Building Code of Australia (BCA) that came into effect on 1 May 2023. Expert speakers include Luke Sheehy from Design Confidence Sydney and Senior Fire Engineer Usama Masood.
Brisbane Lunch Discussion – Construction Cost Inflation
Join the ACA QLD/NT committee for a lunch presentation and panel discussion focused on construction cost volatility and the future economic outlook. Book now to reserve your place.
Top Priorities for Practice Leaders
Join Deltek’s Linda Dininger and the ACA’s Matt Tence as they explore the data behind industry trends from the soon-to-be-released 2023 Deltek Clarity Report. Discussion topics will include technology trends, business strategies and policies, workplace issues and business development.
Sydney BoSP – Growth in Small Practice
Join the ACA NSW/ACT committee, Warwick Mihaly from Mihaly Slocombe and a fantastic panel of speakers for Sydney’s first Business of Small Practice event on 15 June. Book now!
Wellbeing of Architects follow-up survey 2023
Improving mental wellbeing in practice is fundamental to the future of the profession. The ACA is proud to once again support the Wellbeing of Architects research project and encourages all to participate in this important follow-up survey on work-related wellbeing. So, take part, share your experiences, and assist with this important research.
On Presenteeism
How do we work effectively and creatively? How can we maintain a commitment to high quality design and ensure that time spent at the desk is productive? Where do we do our best work, and under what circumstances? Join us on Monday 8 May for Stepping Up on Presenteeism, an invigorating conversation with John Prentice of Woods Bagot, Lynne Hancock of DesignInc and Lee Hillam of Dunn & Hillam.
SA BoSP Meaningful Marketing
Join the ACA SA Committee for a BoSP presentation by Dave Sharp and panel, who will uncover the techniques you need to elevate your marketing and establish an authentic voice for your practice.
Project Remediate – Pattern Book Update
Join Hansen Yuncken and the Office of Project Remediate on Thursday 4 May for a CPD online event on the Project Remediate Pattern Book one year on. The in-person presentation and networking event has sold out, but there are still online tickets available (2 formal CPD points).
Working with the Budget
informed by Planned Cover is offering a 15% discount for ACA members for its next national webinar on Working with the Budget on 11 May, featuring Risk Manager Wendy Poulton and Architect Clare Cousins. Topics will include managing client budgets, contingencies, value management processes and price flexibility in contracts.
NSW Design & Building Practitioners Act – An Update
The NSW/ACT branch is pleased to present David Bannerman, Principal of Bannermans Lawyers, for a CPD webinar on the NSW Design and Building Practitioners Act, including recent changes and compliance.
Adelaide Sustainability Roundtable
The SA branch is pleased to present our first roundtable discussion for 2023, with Joe Karten, Head of Sustainability at Built; Paul Davy, Director at dsquared consulting; and Ken Long, Sustainability Manager Vic & SA, Lend Lease.
All Hallows School Tour
Join the ACA QLD/NT on Tuesday 28 February for a special presentation and site tour of the Potter Building Adaptive Reuse Project at the All Hallows School in Brisbane.
Adelaide Welcome Breakfast
The ACA SA committee will host its annual Welcome Breakfast at Luigi’s Delicatessen on Tuesday 21 February. Book now to reserve your place.
Graduate Employability Research
What skills and behaviours do you look for in your new graduates? Take the Graduate Employability Survey today to help researchers learn more about Work Integrated Learning (WIL) and its relationship to graduate employability.
ACA Member Survey 2023
As we embark on another year in the business of architecture, the ACA seeks feedback from its members on their priorities and preferences for 2023. What topics would you like us to cover? What tools, resources and assistance would you find most useful for your practice? Take our five-minute survey today!
WA Welcome to 2023 Breakfast
The WA Committee is delighted to invite members to its annual Welcome Breakfast at Little Way in Nedlands for breakfast to kick off the new year.
ACT Rooftop Drinks
NSW/ACT Vice President Farhad Edibam and committee invite members to join them on Thursday 17 November at the Howling Moon Bar at the Canberra Rex Hotel.
Financial Pathways for Small and Medium Practice
The ACA Business of Small Practice (BoSP) forum and Daniel Bolt from Macquarie Bank will present an online session on finance for SME business on Thursday 10 November. Topics discussed will include financing growth, innovative business models, and the availability of funding for the traditional fee-for-service practice model.
WA End-of-Year Celebration
WA President Kukame McPierzie and committee invite members to our annual End-of-Year Celebration! This year we’ll enjoy refreshments and friendship in the garden at Gordon Street Garage.
Stepping up on Supporting the Careers of Others
How can we best support the careers of others? What are the specific roles and responsibilities of leaders? This Stepping Up session looks at sponsorship and strategies for advocating for others. Watch this discussion with Jess Murphy, convenor of the Champions of Change Architecture Group, Ramin Jahromi of Cox and Karen Le Provost of Scott Carver.
SA Christmas Celebration
ACA SA and National President John Held and the SA Branch Committee are hosting Christmas Drinks at The Gilbert Hotel on 29 November.
On Career Development
The Stepping Up session on Career Development looks at planning and progression, with a focus on tools to support transparent manageable, inclusive processes within architectural practices. Watch this considered discussion with David Randerson of DKO, Thihoa Gill of Grimshaw and Brian Clohessy of BVN, and hosts Angelina Pillai and Justine Clark.
WA WHS Legislation Uncovered
Join the WA branch for an in-depth look at the changes to the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA) and the implications for architects. This online event is not to be missed!
Melbourne Mid-Year Drinks
Join the VIC/TAS branch committee for drinks and light refreshments on Monday 29 August. Hear our plans for the months ahead, and meet the ACA team, industry guests, fellow members and peers.
The Client Brief & Managing Fees
The QLD/NT Committee is hosting a lunch forum on Wednesday 24 August on The Client Brief and Managing Your Fees. Join guest speakers Lawrence Toaldo from Conrad Gargett, Mark Williams from Mark Williams Architects and Darren Cardy from Ashburner Francis, with moderator David Brian from dwp Architects.
D&BP Act – 12 Months In
Join the ACA NSW/ACT Committee on Wednesday 10 August for a presentation about the NSW D&BP Act by Principal Building Inspector Jonathan Lynch and Senior Building Inspector and registered architect Charles Zhang from Building Professional Audits, NSW Fair Trading.
Mental Health in the Construction Industry
Don’t miss the next AMWF online session on Wednesday 27 July on Mental Health in the construction industry. Join us for an important discussion with Jorgen Gullestrup, who led the development of the MATES in Construction program.
St John Mental Health First Aid Course
The SA branch is proud to offer members the opportunity to participate in the St John Mental Health First Aid Training at a reduced price.
On Harassment
The Stepping Up on Harassment session focuses on sexual harassment, bullying and family and domestic violence. These are challenging topics, but ones we must engage with in meaningful, sensitive and robust ways. Watch this considered discussion with Adam Haddow of SJB, Tara Keast of DesignInc and Gosha Haley of Grimshaw.
SA Committee Changes
The SA Committee would like to thank outgoing members Ian Hore, Graham Hardy and Simon Thomson, and introduce three new members – Simon Frost, Katherine Dujmovic and Michael Hegarty. Welcome to all!
SA Business of Design Lunch
The ACA SA Committee is hosting its 5th annual Business of Design lunch with guest speakers Kerry and Lindsay Clare from Clare Design on 18 August.
QUT survey on Early Contractor Involvement
A QUT research study seeks architects to participate in a 15-minute survey on ECI infrastructure projects in Australia. Please take the time to participate in this much-needed research from QUT.
Bushfire Resilience and Design
Join the ACA NSW/ACT Committee on Thursday 21 July for a Zoom presentation by Nigel Bell, architect and expert in the design of bushfire compliant buildings.
SA Practice Managers Lunch – Cybercrime
Join the ACA SA committee, Planned Cover and Blue Zebra Insurance for our next Practice Managers Lunch on 21 July, which will tackle the timely topic of cybercrime and how to reduce risk.
WA Business of Design Lunch
ACA WA invites you to our annual Business of Design Lunch with special guest speaker, Dale Alcock.
Fair Work Commission Wage Decision 2022
The Fair Work Commission has just handed down the 2022 wage decision, increasing the national minimum wage and base rates of pay in modern awards. Tom Earls from Fair Work Lawyers provides a summary of the decision. The ACA will update relevant Award pay rates as soon as possible.
Business of Small Practice – Meaningful Marketing
On Friday 24 June, ACA WA will uncover the tips and techniques you need to elevate your marketing and establish an authentic voice for your business.
Changes to National Construction Code
Join the ACA NSW/ACT committee on Wednesday 29 June for a special presentation on the changes and updates to the NCC with Luke Sheehy from Design Confidence.
ACIF November Forecast – Free to ACA members
The Australian Construction Industry Forum November 2022 Forecast is available from Tuesday 15 November. ACA members have free access to the ACIF Customised Forecasts Dashboard as a member-only benefit.
On Parental Leave
Watch Stepping Up on Parental Leave, a frank and useful conversation with Philip Vivian of Bates Smart, Zoë King of Cox and Richard Sucksmith of John Wardle Architects – includes bonus footage from the conversation after the event.
Welcome to our new QLD/NT Committee members
The QLD/NT Committee thanks their outgoing members and introduces four new members – Ben Madden, Mark Kennedy, Justine Ebzery and Adam Perrier. Welcome to all!
Sydney recap – Becoming fearless
Jennifer Crawford provides a recap of the recent Sydney event, Becoming Fearless in Practice, presented by Michael Lewarne.
The engine of growth
Join the ACA SA committee and Warwick Mihaly from Mihaly Slocombe for our next Business of Small Practice event on 24 May. Book now!
Rethinking Leadership
The Architects Mental Wellbeing Forum QLD/NT is running an online session on Thursday 5 May on rethinking leadership with a view to improving the wellbeing and contribution of all in practice.
ACA Elections 2022
It is an election year for all ACA branches! Nominations for election to the ACA committees open on 7 April and close on 21 April 2022.
Sydney event – Becoming fearless in practice
Join Michael Lewarne and the NSW/ACT branch on Wednesday 27 April for a presentation on reshaping practice and exploring new possibilities. Don’t miss our first Sydney face to face event for the year.
Stepping Up!
The ACA is delighted to continue the Stepping Up series for 2023, a collaborative event and editorial series with Parlour and the Architecture Group of the Champions of Change. See CPD offerings from 2022 and the full event calendar for 2023.
Workplace Trends CPD Webinar
Watch Tom Earls from Fair Work Lawyers and Merilyn Speiser from Catalina Consultants as they present current Industrial Relations and Human Resources trends in practice. Available for purchase on demand (with attached CPD).
New Plumbing Courses
The ABCB has announced the release of two NCC CPD courses on plumbing, one on heated water services and the other on how to comply with the PCA.
SA Announces State Sponsorship
The ACA SA branch is delighted to announce their continued involvement with ROUSSOS Recruitment as their 2022 State Sponsor.
SA Breakfast – 5 April
The SA committee has organised a breakfast catch-up at Luigi’s Delicatessen on Tuesday 5 April. Save the date!
Succession Planning Online Event with Macquarie Bank
The WA and SA branches are running an online session on the succession planning process with Macquarie Bank’s Daniel Bolt on Friday 1 April.
Priorities for Regional Architects
Join the ACA QLD/NT on Tuesday 22 February to discuss key industry priorities for regional architects. Don’t miss it!
Ventilation Critical Action Summit 2022
Building industry professionals are invited to join a timely conversation on creating safe indoor environments with a two-day virtual national ventilation summit on 24–25 February 2022, organised by AMCA Australia. An impressive list of speakers from government, academia, media and multiple disciplines in the building industry will share their expertise
SA Virtual Roundtables
The SA Committee will host a series of online roundtable discussions from 16–22 February for SA members to share challenges, ask questions and support each other.
Qld Trivia Night 2022 – Prepare Early
The QLD/NT Committee’s Trivia Night has had to be postponed, but it’s not too early to start prepping with practice-based trivia sessions.
COVID Roundtable Discussion
ACA members are invited to a virtual roundtable on Friday 4 February to discuss the challenges facing architectural practices over the coming months. Join ACA National President John Held, IR Advisor Tom Earls, ACA CEO Angelina Pillai and representatives from a number of practices for this important conversation.
Save the Date – Darwin Lunch
The ACA QLD/NT will host a special lunch in Darwin for members and non-members on 17 February. Keep an eye on your inboxes for more details.
Leah Lang Virtual Roundtable
Join the ACA – QLD/NT and Queensland Government Architect Leah Lang on Wednesday 2 February to discuss key industry priorities for the year ahead.
WA Welcome to 2022 Breakfast
The WA Branch is kicking off the year with a relaxed breakfast shared amongst our committee, members, and special invited guests.
NCC-Compliant Stairways
The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) has released a new NCC CPD course on Stairways for practitioners who design, construct and certify stairways in residential and commercial buildings.
NSW/ACT 2021 – D&BP Act, Collaboration & Wellbeing
In 2021, the NSW/ACT branch focused on CPD events on the NSW D&BP Act, advocacy, collaboration with other professional bodies and prioritising mental wellbeing.
Xmas Drinks in Perth
WA President, Kukame McPierzie, and committee invite members to join us for our annual Rooftop Drinks at the Alex Hotel on 26 November.
Xmas Drinks in Canberra
Save the date for the Canberra end-of-year Christmas drinks at the Howling Moon Rooftop Bar on Tuesday 14 December.
SA Xmas Drinks
ACA – SA and National President, John Held, and SA Committee invite members to join us for Christmas Drinks at Roxie’s.
Vic/Tas End of Year Get Together
Save the date for an end of year get together with the Vic/Tas committee, ACA members and guests at The Leveson’s outdoor courtyard in North Melbourne on Tuesday 30 November.
Understanding Standards
The ABCB is offering a 20% discount as an introductory offer for its newly released one-hour NCC CPD course on understanding Australian Standards and other NCC referenced documents.
November courses – Waterproofing, Tiling & Flooring
ARDEX Australia is offering a suite of online formal CPD training courses in November, which aim to educate and aid architects on the topics of waterproofing, tiling and flooring systems.
ACIF Forecasts – November 2021
AICF has released its Construction Industry Forecast for November 2021. We have published a summary here. ACA members have free access to the full forecasts, available on the ACIF Customised Forecasts Dashboard.
The Importance of Social Housing
Join Mecca Events and a panel of social housing design and development professionals on 17 November for a comprehensive discussion on sustainable social housing.
Facade Performance & the Rules 101
On Tuesday 26 October, join Mecca Events and a panel of facade and building code experts to explore latest developments and some of the common misunderstandings around Facade Performance and Section J. ACA members can access a 20% discount.
Client Choice Awards 2022
The ACA is delighted to partner with the Client Choice Awards 2022, which has an exclusive discount offer for ACA members. Entrants gain valuable insights and client feedback. The deadline for entries is 30 November.
Vaccinations – September Update
Our legal advisor, Tom Earls from Fair Work Lawyers, has provided a further timely update for ACA members on the current advice around vaccination for employers, with a focus on assessing risks and implementing control measures, third-party mandates, workplace discrimination laws, employee refusal and vaccine incentives.
Air Quality & Ventilation webinar
Join Mecca Events’ panel of experts on Wednesday 6 October for a discussion on air quality, ventilation and how to deliver healthy indoor environments. ACA members can access a 20% discount. Book now!
WA Design Review event
The WA branch of the ACA, alongside the Planning Institute of Australia, Australian Institute of Architects and the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA), will be having an important and timely discussion on design review on 17 September at the Melbourne Hotel.
Insights into Mental Wellbeing in Architecture
Join the Architects Mental Wellbeing Forum in South Australia for their next We Should Talk session on Wednesday 22 September.
Living Architecture with Lindsay and Kerry Clare
On Wednesday 8 September, the QLD/NT branch will run the first in a Q&A series with prominent architects, this time with Lindsay and Kerry Clare. Don’t miss it. Book now!
NSW Regulation & Class 2 Buildings
Join us on Wednesday 8 September for a special presentation by Kirsten Orr, Registrar, NSW Architects Registration Board, on the regulatory context of architecture in NSW with a focus on Class 2 Buildings.
Creators vs Copycats
On Tuesday 14 September, informed by Planned Cover is running a national webinar on copyright, intellectual property and how to protect your work. ACA members can access a 15% discount.
NSW D&BP Act, part 1 – The Architect’s Perspective
The first of a five-part CPD series on the NSW Design & Building Practitioners Act (DBP Act) features an information session by special counsel Christopher Larcos of Moray & Agnew Lawyers. The presentation sets out key issues as they apply to architects.
Waterproofing, Tiling & Flooring
Ardex is running a range of online formal CPD courses in August and September on the topics of waterproofing, tiling and flooring systems.
Housing & Energy Efficiency – NCC CPD Course
The Australian Building Codes Board is offering an NCC CPD course to help build understanding of housing energy efficiency requirements. A special discounted offer is available for a limited time.
Reuse, Retrofit, Recycle
Mecca’s upcoming CPD webinar on Wednesday 1 September will feature leading design and engineering experts presenting on Adaptive Reuse in Buildings. ACA members can access a 20% discount.
NSW D&BP Act, part 3 – Consequences of the Act
The third of a five-part CPD series on the NSW Design & Building Practitioners Act (DBP Act) features an information session by Paul Viney on the consequences of the Act in relation to regulated design requirements and the provision of architectural services.
NSW D&BP Act, part 4 – Insurance Implications
Number four in a five-part CPD series on the NSW Design & Building Practitioners Act (DBP Act) features Simon Gray and Carina Bogaard from Planned Cover discussing the insurance implications of the bill.
St John’s Mental Health First Aid Training
The WA and SA branches are proud to offer members the opportunity to participate in the St John’s Mental Health First Aid Training at a reduced price.
Risky Business 2021
The popular annual Risky Business webinar, held in July 2021, featured expert speakers offering legal, insurance and practitioner insights on how to actively manage risk in practice.
WA Business of Design Lunch
The WA Committee have rescheduled their Business of Design Lunch to Friday 20 August 2021 with guest speaker Adrian Fini.
2021 Rates of Pay
The 2021 Federal Industrial Awards pay rates for awards relevant to architectural practice are applicable from 1 July 2021. Download the new rates today!
NSW/ACT – Advocacy & Education, Events & Plans
The NSW D&BP Act has been a key focus for the NSW/ACT Committee in the first half of 2021, with ongoing advocacy and a suite of seminars to assist members in understanding the implications of the new legislation, writes Jennifer Crawford.
Fair Work Commission Wage Decision 2021
The Fair Work Commission handed down the 2021 wage decision on 16 June, with a 2.5% increase to the national minimum wage and base rates of pay in modern awards. Tom Earls from Fair Work Lawyers provides an update.
Industrial Manslaughter Laws Webinar
The next CPD webinar from ACA partner Mecca Events on 23 June will cover industrial manslaughter legislation with legal and work health and safety experts Tony Lawrence, Kate Elliott and Stephen Russell.
Working from Home – Employer obligations
Employment law does not always gel with new flexible work arrangements, but it must be considered before implementing a work-from-home system. Tom Earls from Fair Work Lawyers unpacks relevant employer obligations for ACA members.
Designing Practice with Emma Williamson
The ACA – SA Committee is excited to host its popular annual Business of Design Lunch on Tuesday 8 June with guest speaker Emma Williamson from TheFulcrum.Agency.
NSW Design & Building Practitioners Act Series – Part 3
The ACA’s third in the series on the NSW D&BP Act will feature Paul Viney discussing the consequences of the Act in relation to regulated design requirements on the provision of architectural services. BOOK NOW!
NSW Design & Building Practitioners Act Part 1 – A Recap
NSW/ACT committee member Jennifer Crawford provides a comprehensive recap of a recent ACA event about NSW building reform, where legal counsel Christopher Larcos took us through the legal implications of the D&BP Act.
NCC Update for Architects
The ACA – QLD/NT branch committee is hosting a lunch forum on the National Construction Code on Wednesday 26 May with guest speaker Michael Moran.
Successful Waterproofing
Ardex is running a number of one-hour CPD seminars on the Four Key Components of Successful Waterproofing in May and June.
Demystifying Legal Jargon
informed by Planned Cover is offering a 15% discount to ACA members for a webinar on Demystifying the Jargon (Legal) on Thursday 27 May.
Ideas for a Better Profession
The NSW/ACT branch committee is delighted to present another face to face event on Thursday 27 May, with speaker Michael Lewarne exploring important questions about the nature of architectural practice and how we might do things differently in a post-COVID world.
Pitching Social Housing Ideas
Verity Campbell offers a recap of her recent ArchiPitch event, which featured seven architectural practices pitching big ideas to a panel of social housing experts.
Discount Tickets for ArchiTeam Conference
Our good friends at ArchiTeam are offering a special discounted rate for ACA members for the ArchiTeam conference on Friday 21 May.
Design Matters: Medium Density Symposium
The WA branch of the ACA will present a special Medium Density Symposium on Wednesday 31 March in collaboration with Open House Perth (OHP).
Architects Mental Wellbeing Breakfast in SA
The ACA – SA Committee started the year with their annual welcome breakfast and the launch of the Architects Mental Wellbeing Forum on 23 February.
Heritage & Design Webinar
On Wednesday 31 March, Mecca Events will present a CPD webinar on all things heritage, from understanding heritage context and significance to regulations and compliance, materials and finishes.
Welcome NSW/ACT Committee Members
The ACA – NSW/ACT Committee is delighted to welcome four new elected committee members (from top left, clockwise): Jennifer Crawford, Ivana Simkovic, Justine Money and Fabricio Siqueira.
Social Housing of the Future
Tickets are now available for ArchiPitch 2021 on Tuesday 30 March, which will focus on big ideas for the social housing sector.
Architects Mental Wellbeing Forum QLD/NT
The QLD/NT Architects Mental Wellbeing Forum provides an update on recent activities, their plans for the year and an invitation to get involved.
WA Branch Launches Wellbeing Forum
The WA branch is proud to launch the Architects Mental Wellbeing Forum on Wednesday 3 March.
The Superintendent’s Role as Certifier
informed by Planned Cover is offering a 15% discount to ACA members for their next Contract Administration webinar on 18 March.
New QLD/NT Branch President Gilda Donegan
The Studio Director of GHDWoodhead in Queensland, Gilda Donegan, is our new QLD/NT Branch President. Congratulations Gilda!
ArchiPitch Seeks Expressions of Interest for 2021
The ACA is delighted to to support ArchiPitch 2021, which will tackle the important topic of social housing at Melbourne Design Week.
Mandatory Vaccines – What Employers Need to Know
The COVID crisis continues to pose many challenges for employers, often involving areas of the laws that were largely unexplored until the pandemic. The next such challenge relates to employers mandating vaccines. Tom Earls explores the issues for ACA members.
SA Breakfast & Architects Mental Wellbeing Launch
As we embark on 2021 and look to the future, join the ACA – SA for a very special Welcome Breakfast as we launch the Architects Mental Wellbeing Forum.
A Contemporary Heritage Approach
The NSW/ACT branch of the ACA has joined forces with Sydney East Architects to host a special event on contemporary heritage matters in NSW on Wednesday 17 February.
Special ACA Membership Offer
The ACA is delighted to extend a special half-year membership offer. Head to our membership portal to find out what’s on offer.
2021 Trivia Night
Join the ACA – Qld/NT Committee and Quiz Master Robert Wesener for the 2021 Trivia Night on 26 February.
Welcome Breakfast in WA
The WA branch committee and incoming WA President Kukame McPierzie are hosting a welcome breakfast for members on Wednesday 17 February.
First Nations Design Principles
WSP’s Indigenous Specialist Services team and Dr Shaneen Fantin of POD (People Oriented Design) will discuss First Nations Design Principles in Architecture and Building at an upcoming CPD webinar by Mecca Events on 10 February. ACA members can access a 20% discount.
Record Keeping webinar
informed by Planned Cover is offering a 15% discount for ACA members for a document management and record keeping webinar at lunchtime on 10 February.
NSW/ACT Update 2020
The NSW/ACT branch takes us through the highlights of the year, with a busy online webinar calendar, continuing advocacy around the Design and Building Practitioners regulations, some anticipated Committee changes and plans for 2021.
Last Chance to Enter Client Choice Awards
Entries for the Built and Natural Environment Consulting category of the Client Choice Awards are closing on 15 December.
Getting a Head Start with your Contracts
Join the ACA on Wednesday 16 December for our last online event for the year, with some practical guidance on contracts from lawyer and risk manager Wendy Poulton.
SA Roundtable on Post-COVID Reality
Wellbeing, localism and optimism can summarise the discussion at the ACA’s recent Adelaide roundtable on the post-COVID reality for South Australia, writes Mario Dreosti.
Christmas Drinks in WA
WA President Malcolm Jones and committee will host drinks on the rooftop of the Alex Hotel on 3 December to celebrate the start of the festive season.
2020 Rates of Pay
The 2020 Industrial Awards pay rates for awards relevant to employees in architectural practices are applicable from 1 November 2020.
Pulse Check 4
Please take the ACA Pulse Check, the last checkup of 2020. DEADLINE EXTENDED UNTIL COB MONDAY 19 OCTOBER.
Doing Documentation Better
On 11 November 2020, guest speaker Alex Chistiakoff presented an ACA webinar on delivering high quality documentation efficiently and consistently.
Getting the Balance Right
Are we architects so we can be in business, or in business so we can be architects? The ACA and the BoSP forum met on 23 November for an insightful conversation about developing simultaneously as an architect and an entrepreneur.
South Australia’s post-COVID economy
Join the ACA SA Committee for their upcoming roundtable discussion with a panel of experts across industry and business leadership.
The View from the Client Side
informed by Planned Cover is offering ACA members a special discounted rate for an upcoming webinar on what clients need from their consultants.
Succession Planning: Preparing for the Unexpected
Having succession planning in place with a contingency is critical to the survival of your business. Join the ACA on Tuesday 6 October 2020 for a special presentation on Succession Planning from Daniel Orrell from Planned Life Cover.
JobKeeper 2.0
On 1 September, the parliament passed legislation amending JobKeeper provisions as part of its JobKeeper 2.0 announcement. These changes will come into effect on 28 September. Tom Earls from Fair Work Lawyers unpacks the detail.
Sustainability & Building Materials
Armstrong Flooring’s Sustainability Manager Amy Costello will join speakers from Weathertex, Dulux and Global GreenTag International to discuss the benefits of healthier building materials and products at a webinar on 27 August.
How to Leverage Technology
Join Deltek and DesignInc Sydney for a lunchtime webinar on how to leverage technology to achieve compliance and security.
ACA - VIC/TAS News - August 2020
As Victoria hits the halfway mark of Lockdown 2.0, we provide an update of recent activity in the Vic/Tas branch, with the VicPulse survey (still open), the new Mental Wellbeing Forum and a VBA Update of COVID-19 Guidelines.
The Client Experience in the Built Environment
Join the ACA and beaton on 9 September for exclusive insights on the client experience within the built environment sector.
Stage 3 and 4 Restrictions in Victoria
One week into Stage 4 ‘Stay at Home’ restrictions in Melbourne and Stage 3 restrictions in regional Victoria, key information and resources for individuals and business continues to be rolled out. The following is a summary of useful information and links.
Clarification of Stage 4 Restrictions
The ACA – Victoria/Tasmania provides further clarification of COVID-19 Stage 4 restrictions, with advice on construction site access, worker permits, COVID Safe Plans and ongoing advocacy.
COVID-19 Stage 4 Restrictions
On Monday 3 August, the Premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews announced Stage 4 Restrictions, which apply to the Melbourne area and do impact architectural practices.
COVID-19 Building Industry Guidelines for Victoria
The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) has issued an update of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidelines for the Victorian building and construction industry, incorporating recent changes to restrictions and government subsidies.
Risky Business 2020
The 2020 Risky Business webinar covers common legal issues for architectural practices, with lawyer John Moore and Planned Cover manager Karen Meiklejohn.
Catch-up in Canberra - 29 July
The NSW/ACT Committee and President Agi Sterling are delighted to invite you to attend our half-yearly get together in Canberra on Wednesday 29 July.
Unpaid Pandemic Leave & Annual Leave at Half Pay
The Fair Work Commission has extended the entitlement to unpaid pandemic leave and annual leave at half pay for many awards to 30 June 2022.
Technology & Innovation Panel Discussion
Join the ACA and Deltek on 22 July for a special panel discussion on how to gain a competitive edge by using innovation and technology effectively in your practice.
New Archibiz Course Available for ACA Members
Archibiz and the ACA Business of Small Practice (BoSP) are offering another “Designing Architectural Practice Success” course to ACA members, starting on Tuesday 28 July.
Fair Work Commission Wage Decision 2020
The Fair Work Commission has increased the national minimum wage and base rates of pay in modern awards by 1.75%. There will be a staged rollout of increases, with those relevant to the Architects Award to come into effect on 1 November 2020. Fair Work Lawyers Tom Earls provides an explainer.
Update on the Federal Industrial Awards 2020 Pay Rates Review
The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has delayed handing down its decision on the minimum wage rates this year due to COVID-19.
ACA Branch Elections
It is an election year for all ACA branches in 2020, and we invite members to get involved.
Navigating Debt and Credit Through Recovery
Join the SA Committee on Thursday 18 June for an afternoon virtual roundtable on navigating debt and credit through recovery.
VIC/TAS Branch Update - May 2020
The VIC/TAS Committee has been extremely busy this year with the Industrial Relations Committee's work and several timely new additions to the ACA Business Toolbox.
SA Branch Update - May 2020
The SA Committee has been focused on events, advocacy and engagement with government and industry and, in particular, with ongoing discussions relating to Government procurement policy.
QLD/NT Branch Update - May 2020
The QLD/NT Committee has focused on promoting the value of architects, industry engagement with representation on several committees, and a diverse program of events.
NSW/ACT Branch Update - May 2020
The NSW/ACT Committee made a rapid shift to events online, continued its important advocacy work, and instigated key initiatives for the ACA Business Toolbox.
Federal Court's Ruling on Casual Employment
On 20 May 2020, the full bench of the Federal Court redefined what constitutes a casual worker. Michael Corrigan digs into the detail.
Construction Crossroads with David Chandler
What will be the role of architects in light of the new Building Practitioners' legislation in NSW? Join the ACA - NSW/ACT and NSW Building Commissioner David Chandler on Wednesday 20 May for a special discussion on future directions for the construction industry.
Preparing your Practice for Recovery
Join the ACA on 18 May for a special online event on how to best position and prepare your practice for the recovery after Covid-19. Not-to-be-missed presentations. Book now!
2019 Award Rates
Updated Federal Industrial Awards pay rates for awards relevant to employees working in architectural practices.
AACA Support for OQA and EPA Assessments
On 11 May and 15 May, the AACA will run free interactive online sessions on the Overseas Qualifications Assessment and Experienced Practitioner Assessment.
COVID-19 Guidelines for the Victorian Building and Construction Industry
The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) has released the latest version of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidelines for the building and construction industry in Victoria.
NCC Training for Architects
Could you have a better understanding of the National Construction Code? The ACA is offering a CPD training course on 12 and 26 May in conjunction with Philip Chun to upskill architects in respect to using the NCC for Commercial Buildings.
LinkedIn for Architects - 6 May
How can you use LinkedIn to communicate your practice's point of difference, build your networks and land new clients? Join the ACA on 6 May for an online event with LinkedIn expert, Kylie Butler, to discover how you can best leverage this vital networking and marketing tool to stand out from your competition.
Investment in Digital Design
Existing investment in new digital platforms has meant that dwp|design worldwide partnership was well placed to switch to working mode when the COVID-19 crisis arose.
Know your Award and Legislative Changes
Join the ACA and Michael Corrigan for our Know Your Award 2020 formal CPD webinar on Thursday 23 April at 1pm. Learn about 2020 Award updates, COVID-19 measures and personal leave changes. Book now to reserve your place.
Managing Remote Teams Webinar
Join the ACA for a Remote Working Webinar on 15 April, with leadership and communication specialists Hannah Fitzhardinge and Jeroen van Dalen.
Clerks Award Flexibility
The Clerks Award has been temporarily amended to enable more flexibility during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Practice Management and COVID-19
Building on knowledge gleaned from the recent ACA Pulse Check Survey No.1, Fiona Martin outlines the key areas practices should be working on, and answers some FAQs about leave under various circumstances.
Communication, Autonomy and Initiative
Brown Falconer is in the process of transitioning all staff to remote working. Mario Dreosti emphasises the importance of open communication and sharing both the knowns and the unknowns as essential to building trust, autonomy and initiative.
April Webinar - Marketing Gold
In the first of our re-worked events that we are now presenting as webinars, communications expert Rachael Bernstone will teach us how to re-purpose our awards submissions into marketing gold on 1 April.
Policy, Process and Restricted Contact
Thomson Rossi’s approach to managing the practice in the context of the novel coronavirus is guided by a COVID-19 Policy Statement, which establishes clear boundaries and habits. Simon Thomson explains that the intent is to keep the office open as long as possible.
SA Calendar of Events 2020
Welcome to the ACA - SA calendar for 2020. We look forward to seeing you at events throughout the year!
Culture in Architectural Practice
What does culture really mean and how do we ensure it is front and centre in our practices? Watch HR experts Rhonda Brighton-Hall and James Hancock discuss the importance of culture in architectural practice.
Technology Trends & Design Innovation
Join the ACA - SA and IT industry specialists on 11 March for a special presentation on future trends in technology and design innovation.
Juggling Home & Work
Join the ACA for a lively online discussion about juggling home and work, practice and parenting with Melonie Bayl-Smith and Michael Lewarne.
SA Welcome Breakfast 2020
The ACA - SA Committee kicked off the year in style with a delicious breakfast spread at the President’s Welcome Breakfast on 13 February.
Marketing Gold with Rachael Bernstone
Don’t miss the WA branch’s next Lunch and Learn event on 20 March, when communications expert Rachael Bernstone will share her tips on how to turn your awards entries into marketing gold.
Client Choice Awards Finalists 2020
The ACA is delighted to congratulate ACA member ArtMade Architects for being named as Best Architecture Firm (<$30m revenue) in the Client Choice Awards.
QLD/NT Calendar of Events 2020
The QLD/NT Calendar for 2020 is once again jampacked with events, from lunch forums to panel discussions, site tours and trivia nights.
2020 Welcome Breakfast in Adelaide
Join SA Branch and National President John Held and the ACA - SA Committee for a welcome breakfast on 13 February.
The Architect’s Role in Industry Reform
Join the ACA - QLD/NT committee and guest speaker Bronwyn Weir for a special lunch presentation in Brisbane on Thursday 5 March on the architect’s role in industry reform. Book now for this unmissable event.
Personal / Carer’s Leave
In mid-2019, significant changes were made to the way Personal/Carer’s Leave is accrued for employees who work non-standard hours.
NSW/ACT Update - Advocacy, Events and Engagement
The NSW/ACT Committee has had a strong focus on advocacy this year, joining other industry groups to lobby government for building reform.
Qld/NT Update - A Jam-packed Calendar of Events, Surveys and Sponsorship
The ACA - Qld/NT committee had another busy year, with two surveys, an extensive calendar of events and increased membership and expansion of sponsorship.
SA Update - Events, Advocacy & Getting Involved
In South Australia, 2019 was a year of events, advocacy and engagement with government and industry.
ACA - Vic/Tas Christmas Drinks
Raise a glass with the Vic/Tas committee and celebrate with end-of-year drinks in Melbourne on Tuesday 10 December.
Vic/Tas Update - Business Toolbox, IR & Events
The ACA – Vic/Tas Committee have had a busy year of advocacy, events and business tool development, with plenty more to come in 2020.
Gallery House Site Tour
Join the QLD/NT Committee and Sandra Browne and Qui Lu from Cottee Parker for a site tour of Gallery House in Hamilton on 12 November.
Technology Strategies & Managing Change in Your Practice
The ACA’s last webinar of the year on 26 November will cover digital transformation and managing change in your practice. Book now to secure your place.
Don’t Miss Xmas Drinks in WA
Raise a glass with us and celebrate another great year in the business of architecture in Perth on Thursday 5 December.
NSW Design and Building Practitioners’ Bill
The ACA welcomes NSW draft legislation and supports the NSW Government’s efforts on building quality.
The Benefits of Client Feedback
Did you know that doing regular research on your clients can reap rewards when it comes to the growth of your practice? Enter the Client Choice Awards 2020 for Best Architecture Firm and receive a special report of invaluable client feedback. It's not too late to enter.
SA Committee Hosts First BoSP Event
The first Business of Small Practice (BoSP) forum in Adelaide was a great success, with keynote speaker Kate Fitzgerald and an insightful panel sharing their workplace experiences and advice on small practice. Ian Hore reports.
ACIF Forecasts - November 2019
The Australian Construction Industry Forum has released its Construction Industry Forecast for November 2019.
SA Practice Managers Lunch
Are your employees feeling valued? Join the ACA - SA Committee and Anna Roussos for a Practice Managers Lunch on 13 November.
Insights from the NSW Land and Environment Court
Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about the NSW Land and Environment Court and its relevance to architects with Chris Shaw and Tim Horton on 27 November.
Christmas Drinks in Canberra
People, Planet & Profit: The Triple Bottom Line
Join the ACA at the Business of Architecture and Design conference in Sydney on Monday, 11 November for a special panel discussion, People, Planet and Profit - What are you doing in your practice to measure the triple bottom line?
President’s Christmas Drinks in SA
Raise a glass with us at Christmas Drinks in Adelaide on Friday 22 November.
The Business of Small Practice in SA
Join the ACA and keynote speaker Kate Fitzgerald for the first BoSP event in South Australia on 17 October in a new series curated specifically for small business.
October Webinar - Managing Flexible Work in Your Practice
What are the benefits and challenges of incorporating flexible working arrangements into your practice? Join HR expert Merilyn Speiser on Wednesday 16 October for a webinar on flexible work.
The Digital Journey
Book now for the Qld/NT branch committee's next lunch presentation on 18 October, when three guest speakers will discuss their digital journeys and the benefits of keeping on top of new tech.
2019 Trivia Night
Join the ACA - Qld/NT Committee and Quiz Master Robert Wesener for the 2019 Dinner and Trivia Night on Friday 25 October.
Events, Advocacy and Education in QLD/NT
Our Qld/NT branch update includes recent events, advocacy initiatives, education research and a couple of Save the Dates.
Business of Design Lunch & Industry Updates in SA
The ACA - SA provides a review of activity over the last month, with events, new members and industry updates.
September Webinar - NCC 2019
Are you across the detail of the 2019 National Construction Code (NCC)? Join the ACA and the ABCB on 25 September for an informative webinar on the latest changes.
Future Plans, Mentoring & Prizes in WA
The ACA - WA recaps recent events and future plans, and talks mentoring schemes and prizes.
Financial Management for your Practice
What does best practice financial management look like in architecture and how can you apply it to strengthen your own practice? Join the ACA - Vic/Tas committee and three expert speakers on 23 September for an event not to be missed.
Recent Advocacy & Future Events in NSW/ACT
The NSW/ACT committee offers an update on recent advocacy and outlines future events.
Business Toolbox Update & Events in Vic/Tas
The Vic/Tas committee talks events, ARBV nominations and the business toolbox.
ABIC Contracts
Join the ACA - NSW/ACT and Special Counsel Christopher Larcos on 16 October to learn more about the changes to ABIC Contracts.
The Architects Role, Fee-cutting and the Procurement Process
On 29 August, the ACA - QLD/NT Committee will conduct an important forum covering the architects' role, skills and management, fragmentation of the procurement process and fee-cutting.
SA Small Business Roundtable
The SA branch's latest roundtable covered the successes and pressures of running a small business. Mario Dreosti recaps the main points.
SA Annual Business of Design Lunch
Join the ACA - SA Committee on 27 August for their annual Business of Design presentation and lunch, with special guest speaker Kerstin Thompson.
Non-conforming Building Products in the Built Environment
Join the Institute of Architects WA Chapter and the ACA - WA on 5 August for a presentation on Non-Conforming Products in the Built Environment.
Industry Groups Call for Australia-wide Action on Building Regulation
Five industry groups have issued a call for co-ordinated, nation-wide action on building regulation. The ACA supports this call, and is part of it through membership of the Australian Construction Industry Forum (ACIF).
ACA - QLD/NT Education Survey - Part 2
The ACA - QLD/NT Committee seeks practice owners and managers to take a short education survey on 'The Practice Experience'.
August Webinar - Insurance & PI Claims
Join the ACA and Planned Cover on 14 August for a special update on the state of the Australian insurance industry.
NSW/ACT July Branch Update
The NSW/ACT Committee is in planning mode, with several new events and initiatives planned for the coming months.
SA Branch Update
The ACA - SA Committee announces three new upcoming events, welcomes a new sponsor, and outlines its most recent advocacy work with the DPTI.
Event Recap: BIM Seminar
On 26 June, the ACA and the Institute co-hosted an important seminar on delivering great projects in Queensland’s new procurement environment with speakers from the Queensland government, AECOM and Fulton Trotter Architects.
Brisbane Site Tour
The ACA's site visits in Queensland are always a crowd pleaser, and the recent exclusive tour of 1 William Street was no exception.
Congratulations Kukame McPierzie!
Congratulations to Kukame McPierzie on receiving the WA Emerging Architect Prize from the Australian Institute of Architects.
Book Now for BoSP 4
ACA - WA is delighted to present BoSP 4, an in-depth session with Sydney-based HR expert Merilyn Speiser on 2 August.
The Pressures of Small Business
What’s required to run a successful small business? What are the pressures? Join the ACA - SA on 19 July for a special roundtable discussion.
Don't Miss the WA Members Lunch
Clear the diary on 25 July for the ACA - WA's annual Members Lunch to celebrate the start of a new financial year.
PI Claims & Other Contractual Risks
Join the QLD/NT branch on 26 July for the latest in the Risky Business Lunch Series.
Qld Seminar - Prepare for the Future
Join the ACA and the Institute of Architects on 26 June for an important seminar on delivering great projects in Queensland’s new procurement environment.
QLD/NT President's Report
As the end of the financial year approaches, QLD/NT Branch President Robert Wesener provides an update on the Committee's goals for the coming year.
Qld/NT Events
The Qld/NT Committee has been busy this month, with events in Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Darwin.
Event Recap: Client Architect Agreement Update
On 5 June, the NSW/ACT Committee ran an event to discuss Version 2 of the ACA Short Form Client Architect Agreement, with author and Legal Counsel Christopher Larcos. ACA - NSW/ACT Vice President Michael Lewarne recaps the main points of the presentation.
Exclusive Tour in Brisbane
The QLD/NT Committee's upcoming site visit of 1 William Street in Brisbane has sold out!
Join the Chat and Get Involved
Chat Forum creator and ACA - NSW/ACT Vice President Michael Lewarne encourages all to get online and join the Chat.
Digital Twins for the Built World
The ACA - WA Committee, in partnership with Hassell and Consult Australia, is proud to present a discussion about innovative new technology with keynote speaker Joshua Ridley on 4 July. Book now!
Will a Robot Take My Job?
How will technology shape the future of architectural practice? Save the date for our upcoming webinar on 24 July with Ceilidh Higgins. It’s not to be missed.
Financial Health of Small Practice
WA's Business of Small Practice forum is proving a popular staple on the event calendar, with the recent instalment focusing on the delicate balance of financial health, personal values and enjoyment of the work.
ACA Discounted Rate for Informed Seminars
informed by Planned Cover is offering ACA members a discounted rate for Melbourne and Sydney half-day seminars, which take an in-depth look at consultancy agreements.
Building Healthy Communities in Queensland
Don't miss the Qld/NT branch's next luncheon presentation with speaker Brook Monahan of Mosaic Property Group on Friday 17 May.
SA Roundtable - 15 May
Join the ACA and builders for an open discussion to unpack the risks and rewards in the novated D&C environment.
Event Report: LEC Seminar
On 1 May, there was a great turnout at a Sydney seminar on the NSW Land and Environment Court. ACA - NSW/ACT Vice President Michael Lewarne offers a recap.
Sydney Launch of Updated Agreement
Join the ACA - NSW/ACT Committee and Christopher Larcos on 5 June for the launch of the second edition of the Short Form Architect Client Agreement.
Communication Strategy Webinar
How do you communicate the value of your work to clients, consultants and the general public? Book now for our webinar on 29 May, when Rachael Bernstone will share tips and techniques for effective strategic communication.
Money Matters
How do you improve your bottom line without letting go of your values or your daily enjoyment of the work? On 10 May, Warwick Mihaly will share his insights for BoSP3 in WA.
NSW Land and Environment Court: Special Presentation
Learn more about the NSW Land and Environment Court and its relevance to architects when the ACA - NSW/ACT presents Tim Horton and Chris Shaw at Club Rose Bay on 1 May.
Improving the Salary Survey
The ACA is reviewing the operation of the National Salary Survey as part of the ongoing development of the resources offered to members, and we need your help. Please take our quick survey!
Villa Maria Site Tour
On 19 March, the ACA - QLD/NT Committee organised a site visit to the Villa Maria Complex, a state heritage building that has recently undergone a significant redevelopment. Kevin Gerrard reports on the project.
ACA Fair Work Submission
Help the ACA to understand how architectural practices recompense employees for overtime.
Business Foundations Webinar - Part 2
Don't miss Part 2 of our webinar series on how to build a successful and sustainable architecture practice on 1 May with Robert Peake.
Building Skills in Practice
Informal learning, partnered with formal training and development, are of enormous benefit to practices as well as individuals. ACA partner Cbus identifies some of the ways you can amplify learning in your practice.
The ACA Chat Forum
ACA - NSW/ACT Vice-President and mastermind of the national ACA Chat Forum, Michael Lewarne tells us a little about the ACA’s exciting new project.
Building your Brand Seminar
Join the ACA - NSW/ACT on 10 April for a two-hour workshop on how to build your brand.
Business Foundations for Architecture - Part 1
Join us on 27 March for our first ACA National Webinar for 2019, as Robert Peake shares the first of a two-part series on running a profitable and successful architecture business.
Book Now for Financial Health
Learning more about how to monitor and assess the financial health of your architectural practice is always a good investment. Join the Qld/NT branch for its next lunchtime presentation on 5 April.
ACA - QLD/NT March Update
The Qld/NT branch talks surveys, new members, events and the chance to secure some last points for the CPD year.
Roundtable Discussion in Adelaide
Join us on 21 March for an extremely topical roundtable discussion with building certifiers.
Parlour Census Report Event in WA
Please join the ACA, the Institute and Parlour on 21 March for a presentation on the Parlour Census Report, followed by a panel discussion about future action and advocacy.
Lacrosse Fire VCAT Decision
In the coming weeks, the ACA will explore the detail of the Lacrosse Fire judgement and possible implications for architects.
Villa Maria
Join the ACA - Qld/NT on 19 March for a site tour of the Villa Maria aged-care facility.
Single Touch Payroll Event
Join the ACA - SA Committee and Cbus to learn all about Single Touch Payroll at our next event in Adelaide on 13 March.
AIA / ACA Digital Capability Survey
The ACA and the Institute have joined forces to run a National Digital Capability Survey.
VIC/TAS February Update
Matthew Tence provides an update on ACA - VIC/TAS plans for the year.
Data at Work in WA
Please join the ACA and Parlour at Notre Dame University on 21 March for a presentation on the Parlour Census Report, and a discussion about future action and advocacy.
SA February Update
Issues raised at the ACA - SA's recent Welcome Breakfast will help to inform this year's calendar of roundtables, lobbying and major events.
Futures Forum in the Works
The NSW/ACT branch is planning a three-week online forum with the mission to reconsider the culture of the architectural profession and the culture of building more widely, reports Michael Lewarne.
ACA - QLD/NT February Update
As we head into another busy year, David Brian offers a summary of news and events from the QLD/NT Branch Committee.
Howard Smith Wharves
Join the ACA - QLD/NT on 19 February for a site tour and presentation at the new Howard Smith Wharves development.
AACA Seeks Participants for Focus Groups
Do you have something to say about the way practitioners can be involved in architectural education? The AACA is looking for a mix of architects to take part in focus groups nationwide.
QLD/NT Calendar of Events
The QLD/NT Committee has a full program of events for 2019. Update your diaries and keep an eye on your inboxes for individual invites.
Join us for Breakfast in Adelaide
The ACA - SA Committee invites members and sponsors to an informal catch-up breakfast on 5 February.
2019 Welcome Breakfast in WA
The ACA - WA Committee welcomes in the new year with breakfast for members and sponsors at one of Perth's best cafes.
QLD/NT Update
ACA - QLD/NT has had a huge year of events, activity and advocacy - and there are two surveys to complete. The new year promises more action!
NSW Security of Payment Act
The NSW Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Amendment Bill 2018 has passed parliament.
Extensive Event Program for 2019
The ACA - WA Committee is delighted to announce its calendar of events for 2019. More details will be provided in the new year.
Reflections from the ACA President
ACA National President and SA branch President John Held reflects on the year's achievements and the challenges ahead.
A Balanced Outlook for Construction
The Australian Construction Industry Forum has released its new ACIF Forecasts, with growth expected in non-residential building and infrastructure construction, but the decline in residential building expected to continue.
SA Christmas Drinks
The ACA - SA Committee hosted our President's Christmas Drinks on the rooftop of the Darling Building on Friday, 23 November.
Christmas Celebration in WA
There was a healthy turnout for the ACA - WA's annual President’s Cocktail Party on the rooftop of the Alex Hotel.
December Update from Vic/Tas
The ACA - Vic/Tas branch has had a busy year, with a range of insightful events, continuing development of ACA tools, and important input to the Fair Work Commission.
ACA - SA Calendar of Events 2019
Welcome to the ACA - SA event calendar for 2019. We look forward to seeing you over the year!
Building Personal Resilience Webinar
Paul Clifford will outline key strategies for supporting mental health within small and medium practice. Book now for our final webinar of 2018 on 5 December.
Canberra Catch-up & Christmas Drinks
On 22 November, join the NSW/ACT branch for our end-of-year catch-up, discussion and Christmas drinks.
ACA Seeks New CEO
Looking for a new opportunity? The Association of Consulting Architects seeks a new Chief Executive Officer to work part-time with its fantastic national team.
Business of Small Practice 2: Organisational Structure
Join the ACA - WA on 23 November to talk shares, trusts, asset protection and employee ownership at a breakfast BoSP event.
President's Drinks in WA
Come along to our annual President's end-of-year drinks on the rooftop of The Alex Hotel!
2018 President's Christmas Drinks in South Australia
ACA - SA invites members and their staff to the rooftop of the Darling Building for the 2018 President's Christmas drinks.
Safety in Design Integration Lunch Forum
Join the ACA - QLD/NT and Jennekin Dicks for a Safety in Design lunch forum on Friday, 23 November.
Long Service Leave Changes
The Victorian Government has expanded the rights of employees regarding long service leave, effective from 1 November.
Business Systems Survey 2018
How effective are your Practice Management Systems? Take our five-minute survey to help us uncover the best systems available, and to share our results.
Presentations on State School Projects available
The recent ACA - Vic/Tas presentation on State School Projects was a great success, with excellent attendance and enlightening presentations on the VSBA process. Now you can download them!
Welcome David Brian and Kevin Gerrard
The Qld/NT branch has two new Committee members. Welcome David Brian and Kevin Gerrard.
ACA Member Offer - Fee Proposal Workshops
Blue Turtle Consulting is offering ACA members a 15% discounted rate for its Fee Proposal workshops in November 2018.
Cladding and the Changing Insurance Market
Do you know how to tackle the practical challenges posed by flammable cladding in past and present projects? Are you familiar with future developments in the insurance industry? Join us on 17 October for the ACA Insight Webinar to learn more.
John Held, New ACA National President
John Held, long-time ACA - SA President, is the new ACA National President. He introduces himself and plans for the future.
Welcome Robert Wesener
The ACA - Qld/NT has a new branch President. Congratulations to Robert Wesener! Robert will also be taking on the role of ACA National Treasurer.
Performance Management
How do you ensure your teams are motivated and productive? Join the ACA - Qld/NT and Michael Corrigan for breakfast on 9 October to explore the issues.
WA Calendar Update
Western Australia is gearing up for a busy end to 2018! The following events have been scheduled, with dates to be announced shortly.
ACA - Qld/NT Events Recap
The ACA - Qld/NT branch has been busy, with events on contract negotiations, joint ventures and alliances, and a Brisbane Broncos site tour.
Don't Miss the ACA - Qld/NT Trivia Night
Join the ACA - Qld/NT for its annual, fun-filled night of trivia on Saturday, 13 October.
ACA - VIC/TAS: State School Projects
Are you interested in securing state educational work or simply understanding more about the process and what is required? Then join the ACA - Vic/Tas on Wednesday 26 September to learn all there is to know about the VSBA process for capital works.
ACA - SA Roundtable: Architects and Cost Planners
How can architects and cost planners work together to deliver the best project value? Join the ACA - SA to discuss the issues at its next roundtable discussion on 20 September.
Exclusive Tour of Brisbane Broncos Facility
Join the ACA - Qld/NT on 4 September for an exclusive tour of the Brisbane Broncos' new training, administration and community facility at Red Hill.
New Building Product Ban in NSW
The NSW Commissioner for Fair Trading has announced a building product ban for certain types of aluminium composite panel (ACP) cladding.
Welcome Kukame McPierzie
ACA - WA is pleased to welcome Kukame McPierzie, design director at Gresley Abas, to our branch committee.
ACA - Vic/Tas August Update
The ACA - Vic/Tas branch has had a busy few months, with elections, a business toolbox seminar and ongoing feedback on the Victorian Schools Capital Works program.
Mid-year Update from NSW/ACT
The ACA - NSW/ACT branch has planned a host of interesting events for the second half of 2018.
Talent Management and Succession Planning
Do you have plans in place for the future of your practice and the key people who are so crucial to its success? Book NOW for the August ACA Insight webinar.
Safety in Design Liberation
Would your practice benefit from a simpler, more streamlined process when it comes to Safety in Design? Book NOW for the September ACA Insight webinar to learn more.
The Business of Small Practice Forum
The ACA - WA is excited to announce the first event in a new series curated specifically for small business.
The Tools You Need!
ACA - Vic/Tas invites you to come along to learn how the ACA Business Toolbox can help you run your business. Book now for this free event on 1 August!
Contract Negotiations
ACA - Qld / NT invites members to participate in a lunchtime presentation with a panel addressing contract negotiations.
Australia's Adoption of BIM - Getting up to Speed
Are you up to date with international BIM mandates and how they are being addressed around Australia? Do you understand what BIM mandates and policies might mean for you?
Banking survey
Have you have been involved in a project that has been impacted by the banks’ resistance to loan against ABIC or AS contracts? Tell us all about it!
2018 National Salary Survey webinar
What are current pay rates in the industry? How does your practice compare? What are the trends for 2018 and how have salaries changed? BOOK NOW for our national webinar on 27 June.
President's Report - Key Initiatives and Future Plans
ACA National President Kieran Wong looks back at the year's key achievements, and lays out some plans for the future.
2018 Award Rates
Updated Federal Industrial Awards pay rates for the Architects Award - effective from 1 July.
The Latest News from NSW
ACA - NSW/ACT has had a busy month, with several events and initiatives.
How Do You Performance Review?
ACA - SA is developing advice for all members about the effective use of performance reviews. To get going we want to hear from you.
How to Make Fee Agreements Work for You
Have you found yourself overlooking the fee agreement so you can get started on design? Book now for our May webinar to learn more about fees and how to keep your business in the black.
Troubling Times for the WA Construction Industry
Join the ACA - WA to discuss risk allocation, insolvency and the local precarious state of the construction industry at their next event on 17 May.
New Model Domestic Violence Leave Clause in Awards
The ACA welcomes the decision of the Fair Work Commission that a model domestic violence leave clause should be inserted into modern Awards.
The latest from ACA - Vic/Tas
The ACA - Vic/Tas committee is focusing on updates to key ACA business tools.
Transformation of the National Construction Code
Find out about the outcomes-focused National Construction Code and what it means for you. Book NOW for the May ACA Insight webinar!
ACA - NSW/ACT Event: Sustainability Presentation
Join the ACA - NSW/ACT for a discussion on the 'third wave' of sustainability by architect and educator Tone Wheeler.
Wanted: New Committee Members for ACA - WA
The WA Committee is on the hunt for new members.
WA Event: Breakfast at the West End Deli
Join us for breakfast in Perth and learn more about our new Strategic Plan!
ACA Strategic Plan
The ACA is delighted to announce the release of its new Strategic Plan.
ACA Member Offer - Fee Proposal Workshops
Blue Turtle is offering ACA members a 10% discount on its Fee Proposal Workshops around Australia in April
Building Resilience
Join the ACA - Qld for a discussion on building resilience, staying relevant and achieving business longevity.
Welcome to ACA Tasmania
Come along to the first ACA event in Tasmania to find out more about the ACA Toolbox and how we can help you run your business!
BIM Survey Qld
ACA - Qld/NT and the Australian Institute of Architects Qld have joined forces to investigate the use of BIM in Queensland.
Managing a Competitive Practice
Business Management can be challenging. But it's essential to the success of your practice - and the profession.
Are architects vulnerable to cyber crime?
Join the ACA - SA for a roundtable on keeping your business safe online.
Welcome to ACA - WA
Come along to our first event of 2018 to find out more about the ACA Toolbox and how we can help you improve your business.
Social Media for Architects
Join Martyna Kulczyk for the March ACA Insight on the many benefits of social media.
News from the NEC
ACA National President Kieran Wong reports on the outcomes of a packed two days of discussion at the ACA's National Execultive Committee meeting.
2018 National Webinar Program
The ACA is delighted to announce the 2018 ACA Insight National Webinar Program. Put the dates in your diary now!
ACA - SA Calendar of Events
The ACA - SA Committee is delighted to announce its calendar of events for 2018. Put the dates in your diaries!
Final reminder for Qld event!
Join the ACA - Qld/NT to celebrate great local architecture and the industry’s future leaders.
ACA - SA Practice Managers Group Lunch
Join the ACA - SA for the next Practice Managers Lunch on 28 February. Newcomers welcome!
What’s on in WA?
The ACA - WA Committee has a host of interesting events planned for 2018. Here’s a rundown.
Profitability and Growth Strategies for Architects
Review Robert Peake's presentation on how to learn how to position your practice for future growth and profitability.
Where is the ACA Heading in 2018?
Join ACA National President Kieran Wong for an informal breakfast meeting in Adelaide.
2017 Highlights from ACA - NSW/ACT
New ACA - NSW/ACT President Agi Sterling takes a closer look at the highlights of 2017.
Fees, Agreements and Running a Studio
Download the presentations from Fees, Agreements and Running Your Studio.
A Year of Highlights for ACA - SA
This year has been a busy one for ACA - SA, with increased membership and plenty of new initiatives for research, advocacy and engagement.
A Year of Projects for ACA - Vic/TAS
This year has been a fruitful one for ACA - Vic/Tas. The branch has developed and revised resources for the ACA Business Toolbox, negotiated the review of the Architects Award and established a new event series to increase opportunities for discussion and networking.
ACA - WA the end of a busy year
ACA - WA has celebrated the end of a busy year, and there are many plans for the coming year.
A Year of Events for ACA - Qld/NT
ACA - Qld/NT President Mark Williams reflects on a year full of events and activity.
Kieran Wong reviews 2017
ACA National President Kieran Wong reviews the ACA’s 30th year and outlines his plans for the future.
Learning Environment Opportunity Studies - an update
Are you prepared for the Building Better School program? Join ACA - SA at a roundtable discussion on the Learning Environment Opportunity Study (LEOS) to learn from those who have already used the process.
Farewell and Thanks
Peter Hodge and Greg Howlett are retiring from the ACA - WA Committee. Thanks for all the work and wisdom!
Breakfast with Adrian Hughes QC
ACA - WA invites members to meet with pre-eminent barrister, Adrian Hughes QC, at an event held in conjunction with Consult Australia and the Society of Construction Law.
The New Workplace
Join the ACA - Qld/NT for a lunch presentation by professional company director Josephine Sukkar AM, who will share her experiences of building a successful flexible workforce.
Congratulations Michael Gay
Congratulations to Michael Gay, ACA - WA’s newest committee member, on being awarded the WA Emerging Architect Prize from the Australian Institute of Architects.
What's New from ACA - Qld/NT
ACA - Qld/NT has had a busy month, with new members, a successful site tour and plans for the annual members’ dinner and trivia night.
Save the Date for the Annual QLD/NT Trivia Night
ACA - Qld/NT invites you to its annual Members’ Dinner and Trivia Night, an evening of architecture, knowledge, competition, camaraderie and fun.
SA Roundtable - Non-conforming Building Products
How should architects respond to the use of non-conforming building products? Join ACA - SA and Planned Cover at a roundtable exploring the issues.
Changes to the Architects Award
Changes to the Architects Award - how do they affect your practice? Find out from Michael Corrigan at the October ACA Insight national webinar.
NSW/ACT Update
ACA - NSW/ACT is moving ahead on a new program of events and initiatives.
ACA NEC meeting, Adelaide 2017
The National Executive Committee met recently in Adelaide. It was an opportunity to reflect on the activity of the past five years, and to chart a path for the next five. ACA National President Kieran Wong reports.
Ensuring your business is free from bullying discrimination and harassment
Do you know how to ensure your business is free from bullying discrimination and harassment? Join Merilyn Speiser for the September ACA Insight and find out all you need to know.
Building Community with ACA - NSW/ACT
An update from Agi Sterling, the new ACA - NSW/ACT President.
Help Test the New ACA Member Forum
The ACA is developing a new online forum for members - help test the beta version.
Can casual workers really just ask to become permanent?
A recent Fair Work decision about the right of casual workers to request permanency has raised many questions. Merilyn Speiser from Catalina Consultants provides the answers.
Margaret Cribb Child Care Centre Site Visit
Join ACA - Qld/NT on a site tour of a new UQ child care centre, which is founded upon the principles of Reggio Emilia.
Thank you Steve Kennedy!
Steve Kennedy led the ACA for five years as National President. We pay tribute to Steve’s work, energy, enthusiasm and commitment, while he considers all that has been achieved and work still to be done.
Architecture and Technology
Save the date for the ACA - Vic/Tas discussion of the impacts of new technologies on architectural practice.
ACA - Vic/Tas update
ACA - Vic/Tas continues to work hard behind the scenes, and announces a new quarterly event program.
Changes to Your HR Obligations for the New Financial Year 2017–18
The new financial year will bring a number of changes to laws and regulations affecting HR, including new obligations for employers.
Architects and Mechanical Contractors - What Do They Have in Common?
What do architects and mechanical contractors have in common? A lot, it seems. Join ACA - SA at the next Round Table to find out more.
New ACA Short Form Architect Client Agreement Webinar
Join Christopher Larcos for an ACA Insight webinar on the new ACA Short Form Architect Client Agreement.
Welcome Agi Sterling
Introducing Agi Sterling, the new ACA - NSW / ACT President, and her plans for the year ahead.
ACA Canberra Lunch
Canberra architects - join ACA - NSW/ACT and President Steve Kennedy at an informal round table lunch on Monday 25 June.
Federal Budget, Superannuation and Your Business
The 2017/18 Federal Budget includes a few announcements that may impact both your business and your employees. ACA corporate partner Cbus provides an update.
Project Partnering - the Builder and the Architect
Join ACA - Qld/NT for a discussion of the benefits of 'project partnering' procurement.
Brand Marketing for Architects
Join Lindy Johnson for the June ACA Insight on brand marketing - the first in a series of two webinars on business and marketing for architectural practices.
The ACA - WA Committee is delighted to invite you to our next lunch, held in celebration of the end of financial year.
Business Development for Architects
Join Lindy Johnson for the August ACA Insight on business development for architects.
May News from SA
ACA - SA is forging ahead with advocacy around the procrement of STEM works and proposed changes to government contracts.
Know Your Awards? They have changed!
Join ACA - SA lunch for a special presentation on the Architects Award and other awards relevant to practice.
2017 Federal Budget Impact Survey
The One-Minute Federal Budget Impact Survey is here again - tell us what the 2017 budget will mean for your business and the profession.
National Salary Survey Webinar
What are current pay rates in the industry? What are the trends for 2017 and how have salaries changed? Gill Matthewson analyses the ACA National Salary Survey for the May 2017 ACA National Webinar.
Farewell Theo Gaunt, Welcome Emma Brain
ACA - WA farewells Theo Gaunt and welcomes Emma Brain as the new branch executive officer.
Announcing the new Short-Form Client-Architect Agreement
Join ACA - NSW/ACT at an event to launch the latest item in the ACA Toolbox - the new Short-Form Architect-Client Agreement.
Procuring Architectural Services: An Industry Discussion Paper
Join the ACA - WA for a discussion event to launch our Industry Discussion Paper on Procuring Architectural Services on April 12.
Queensland Calendar of Events
ACA - Qld has a full program of site tours and discussion events planned for 2017.
ACA - Qld/NT Update
The ACA - Qld/NT has already hosted two of its monthly events for the year, with a series of site visits, roundtables and lunch forums still to come.
Contracts and How to Survive Them
Making contracts work for you. In the April ACA Insight national webinar Wendy Poulton and Natalie Sullivan outline key issues in contracts, and provide some tips on how to negotiate them.
Congratulations Catherine Baudet
Catherine Baudet's decades of advocacy for women in architecture has been recognised with the Paula Whitman Prize for Leadership Gender Equity.
ACA - WA Update
Best practice in procurement is top of the agenda for the ACA - WA this year, with several initiatives planned.
ACA - NSW/ACT Update
A series of roundtable discussions and the launch of two important business tools will be the focus of the ACA - NSW/ACT in coming months.
Announcing the ACA Insight 2017 Webinar Program
The ACA is delighted to announce the 2017 ACA Insight National Webinar Program. Put the dates in your diary now!
The Future of Practice
What is the future of architectural practice? In the first ACA Insight national webinar for 2017, Dr Peter Raisbeck argues that practices need a major rethink and a new focus on design knowledge ecosystems.
Paid Parental Leave
Do you have systems in place for Paid Parental Leave? We provide an overview of your obligations.
President's report 2016
ACA National President Steve Kennedy wishes all well, and urges architectural practices to look forward to 2017 with 'optimism for ourselves but also with optimism and generosity towards our staff'.
SA 2016: A year in review
President John Held reports on a busy year for ACA in South Australia. Membership has risen, there’s generally a better vibe about the amount of work around.
Vic/Tas 2016 Update
President Paul Viney outlines the achievements of ACA - Vic/Tas for 2016.
WA 2016 Update
It has been another busy year for the ACA in WA. President Kieran Wong gives an overview in his speech from the 2016 President's Cocktail Party.
NSW/ACT 2016 Update
Agi Sterling, ACA - NSW / ACT Vice President, reflects on a successful year.
Save the Date - The Future
Celebrate the new year with industry colleagues and Queensland's future leaders - your recently registered architects.
Seasons Greetings from Qld/NT
President Mark Williams reflects on a successful and busy year for ACA - QLd/NT.
ACA - Qld/NT Roundup
It's been busy at ACA - Qld / NT lately! We present a roundup of activity and introduce two committee members.
Managing Mental Health
David Springett reports on the recent NSW ARB workshop looking at mental health in architecture.
QUT Creative Industries Site Tour
Join ACA - Qld / NT on the last site tour of 2016 - QUT Kelvin Grove Creative Industries Precinct 2.
Are you using SuperStream yet? The extended deadline for businesses with less than 20 employees to start using this ATO system is 28 October. Cbus provides a guide to help you get started.
ACA - QLD/NT 2016 Architectural Deep Knowledge Award
Ignite your team's competitive spirit at the ACA - QLD/NT Trivia Night on Friday, 4 November 2016 on the Rooftop of Wesley House, Brisbane.
ACA - WA Welcomes Changes to the DAP System
ACA - WA welcomes the announcement of amendments and improvements to the Development Assessment Panel (DAP) process in Western Australia by the Hon Donna Faragher MLC, Minister for Planning; Disability Services.
Give SA graduates a chance!
South Australia produces some great architecture graduates. ACA - SA argues that they should also have the chance to design buildings for their universities as they proceed with their careers.
Local Content
Specifying local content is important to South Australia's economy. A recent ACA - SA Round Table explored the issue with Industry Participation Advocate Ian Nightingale.
ACA SA Roundtable - Local Content
Join ACA - SA for a roundtable discussion on the benefits of specifying local, featuring industry participation advocate Ian Nightingale.
ACA - Vic/Tas Election Notice
Nominations are now open for the ACA - VIC/TAS election for Branch Treasurer.
People @ architecture - national webinar
Laraine Sperling focuses on the people of architecture for the August 2016 webinar.
ACA - NSW/ACT Election Notice
Nominations are now open for the 2016 ACA - NSW/ACT elections.
ACA - SA: DPTI Prequalification and Contract Changes Survey
South Australian architects, please take our survey about the SA government prequalification system for consultants, builders and trades.
ACA - WA Survey - How effective are DAP and DAC processes?
What are your experiences of the WA Development Assessment Panel (DAP) and local authority Design Advisory Committees? Please tell us at a panel discussion on 29 August.
Coomera's new Indoor Sports Centre
The August ACA - Qld/NT site visit is to one of the first buildings completed for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games.
Vale Steve Ashton, 1954 - 2016.
The Association of Consulting Architects pays tribute to Stephen Ashton, who passed away on Monday 25 July, 2016.
2016 National Salary Survey Webinar
What are current pay rates in the industry? Gill Matthewson presents analysis of the 2016 ACA National Salary Survey results for the July National Webinar.
Future Housing: the Nightingale Model
Come along to a discussion of the Nightingale Model and the future of housing by James Legge of Six Degrees, presented by ACA - SA and the SA Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects.
WA Lunch
Join ACA - WA for lunch on Friday June 24 to mix and mingle with fellow members.
ACA - SA 2016 President's Report
It’s been another busy year for the SA branch of the ACA. Membership has increased and feedback is positive.
Federal Industrial Awards Pay Rates from 1 July 2016
Updated Federal Industrial Awards pay rates for awards relevant to employees working in architectural practices.
Built Environment Meets Parliament Forum
Interested in the delivery of quality urban living in NSW? Join the Built Environment Meets Parliament NSW forum on 11 August.
Award Review
The ACA is seeking members’ input into the upcoming review of the Architects Award.
Measuring Up
A new report aims to explore new futures for architecture and new ways of measuring the contribition already made by the industry.
Attracting and retaining great employees
Competition for good architectural staff is keen across much of Australia at the moment. Salaries matter, but as Krista Shearer from Bespoke points out, there are other things your practice can do to attract and retain good people - and people rarely move for salary alone.
2016 Federal Budget Impact Survey
The One-Minute Federal Budget Impact Survey is here again - tell us what the budegt will mean for your business.
Announcing the ACA Business Toolbox and ACA Salary Calculator
The ACA BUSINESS TOOLBOX provides members with the essential resources to effectively and easily operate their businesses.
Measuring Productivity
What is productivity and how should we measure it? Robert Peake reports on recent survey findings and suggests strategies for architectural practices.
Employment Update 2016
Michael Corrigan provides his annual update on employment matters at the next ACA -Qld/NT event.
Event report: Queens Wharf
Queens Wharf Brisbane: Envisioning the Heart of a “New World City” - a report on ACA - Qld/NT’s February 2016 event.
Switch off the Lights - Part 2
How do you shut down an architectural practice? The ACA presents the second webinar on how to close a business.
2016 - New Plans and Ongoing Projects in SA
Welcome to 2016! We hope this year brings good news for architects and for South Australia!
2016 - Continuity and Change at ACA - WA
New ACA - WA President Greg Howlett introduces himself and ACA plans for 2016.
2016 - A Year of Optimism & Promise
ACA National President, Steve Kennedy, welcomes members to an optimistic 2016.
ACA - SA Roundtable: Architects' Time/Cost Calculation Guide
Have you used ACA's Architects' Time/Cost Calculation Guide? Come to the ACA - SA Round Table, hear all about it and give us your feedback.
Why switch off the lights?
Why run a webinar on closing down an architecural practice? Isn't that just too depressing? Well, no. Michael Neustein explains.
Vale Paul Pholeros, 1953-2016
The ACA notes with great sadness the loss of Paul Pholeros.
Switch off the Lights!
How do you shut down and architectural practice? The ACA presents two webinars on how to close the curtains and switch off the lights.
WA President's Cocktail Party - with pics!
ACA - WA's Cocktail Party farewelled Richard Young and welcomed Greg Howlett as the new President.
Christmas Drinks
ACA - Qld/NT's Christmas drinks celebrated the states' new architects, as well as kicking off the festive season.
Australian Government Response to the Competition Policy Review
An update on the Australian Government’s response to the “Harper Review” into competition policy.
Thank you Simon Hanger!
Enthusiastic, committed and generous, Simon Hanger is retiring from the ACA after sixteen years of service.
ACA - SA State of the Profession Survey
The ACA - SA State of the Profession survey seeks to understand the state of the profession and its potential futures. The survey is now closed and the results are being analysed.
Congratulations Jill Garner
The ACA congratulates Jill Garner on her appointment as Victorian Government Architect.
WA President's Cocktail Party
Richard Young invites WA members to the President’s Cocktail Party.
ACA + AusSearch
‘AusSearch for ACA Members’ is an online service that enables fast and efficient searching for the documents you need for site analysis and property services.
Farewell Richard Young
The ACA wishes Richard Young, the current ACA - WA President, well in his retirement, and welcomes Greg Howlett as the new WA President.
ACA - Qld / NT Christmas Drinks
You deserve an early finish! Come along to the ACA - Qld / NT Christmas Drinks to celebrate a successful year and the promise of an even better year in 2016.
What Are We Going to Do with All the Architects?
Steve Kennedy contemplates the future and the coming challenges to the architectural industry in Australia.
Business of Architecture - Part Three
Join Robert Peake for the last webinar in his important and engaging series on the Business of Architecture.
Building Information Modelling, Procurement & Contracts
Does BIM require or benefit from new contract provisions and new procurement models? Find out at a breakfast talk by Professor David Mosey in Perth on 13 November.
Managing Non-Compliance
Join ACA - Qld/NT for a panel discussion about managing non-compliance.
Architects on Fire and Architectural Deep Knowledge Award
Come along to Architects on Fire and contest the 2015 Architectural Deep Knowledge Award.
ACA Malaysia
Our colleagues in Malaysia have established the Association of Consulting Architects Malaysia!
The Business of Architecture - Part Two
Join Robert Peake for part 2 of his important series on the Business of Architecture, where he will discuss financial control, profitability and team you need around you.
NSW Government Advocacy
An update on ACA - NSW / ACT advocacy with the NSW state government.
The Challenges Facing the Professions
Join Raymond Spencer, chair of the SA Economic Development Board, at the August ACA - SA Roundtable.
Streamlining the Tender Process
Join ACA - Qld/NT for a lunchtime presentation by Damien Stokes and John Wheeler from Stokes Wheeler about ensuring your tender processes are efficient and effective.
The Business of Architecture
The business of running an architectural practice requires ongoing focus from leaders. For the September National Webinar, Robert Peake runs through the main elements of running a business.
To Outsource or not to Outsource?
ACA - WA's August seminar looks at the complexities of outsourcing. Book now!
A Dialogue with Planners
The ACA - SA June Round Table presents a conversation with Planners.
Non-compliant materials
The Victorian Building Authority is contacting building practitioners - including architects - to identify the possible use of non-compliant building material in the construction of buildings in Victoria.
NSW end-of-financial-year dinner
Join ACA - NSW / ACT at their end-of-financial year dinner.
Event Report - BIM Demystified
A brief report on the recent ACA - Qld/NT event, BIM Demystified.
SA Round Table - the State of the Profession
Join ACA - SA at the first round table for 2015 and help develop the research project on the State of the Profession.
The Devil is in the Data - BIM demystified!
Let's talk about BIM... Join ACA - Qld/NT for lunch and a presentantion on BIM and what it means for your practice.
Professional Services Subconsultants
The first ACA Insight National Webinar for 2015 looks at agreements for Professional Services Subconsultants.
UQ Oral Health Centre - Site Visit
The UQ Oral Health Centre explores new boundaries in teaching, research and clinical practice - Ben Doolan reports on the ACA - Qld/NT visit.
Annual Employment & HR Policy Update
Michael Corrigan provides an employment update and counters myths and misconceptions around HR policies.
Information, advocacy and new architects
ACA - WA welcomed new members at a lunch event that saw Steve Kennedy reflect on the role of the ACA in addressing issues facing the profession through information and advocacy.
The State of the Profession
ACA wins Architectural Practice Board of SA Research Fellowship to research the state of the profession
Launching the ACA Architects' Time/Cost Calculation Guide
The ACA is delighted to announce the launch of the Architects' Time/Cost Calculation Guide.
2015 - The Year of Procurement
Steve Kennedy announces the ACA Year of Procurement, and argues for the value of enjoying what we do.
The Anganwadi Project
The ACA is pleased to announce its support of The Anganwadi Project.
2014 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Association of Consulting Architects will be held on Monday 24 November 2014 in Launceston.
The Changing World of Architecture
The way we deliver projects is changing at an ever-increasing rate. Are we keeping up?
Message from Mark Williams
Mark Williams, the new ACA - Qld/NT President, provides an update in activities and plans.
Fee Structures and Productivity Output
The next ACA - Qld / NT event is a panel discussion on fees and productivity.
Professions and Business Study
The ACA is delighted to be the first architecture industry association to participate in the Annual Professions and Business Study conducted by Beaton Research + Consulting.
Social Media Strategies That Get Results
Join ACA - Qld / NT to learn how to reach clients on social media in a strategic, time effective way.
Architecture and Healing
A report on the ACA - Qld/NT site tour to Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital.
No More 'Best and Final Offer' in Qld!
The Queensland Government has removed ‘Best and Final Offer’ processes from all tendering procedures.
Intellectual Property for Architects
The first ACA Insight National Webinar addresses the complexities of Intellectual Property for Architects.
Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital Site Tour
Save the date for the ACA - Qld/NT's next site visit to the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital.
Architectural Quiz and Riverfire Event
Join ACA - Qld/NT for the inaugural Architectural Quiz and Riverfire event.
Thank you Mark Trotter
Mark Trotter has made a remarkable contribution to the ACA and the wider profession.
Architects & Quantity Surveyors
The next ACA - SA Roundtable brings together architects and quantity surveyors.
New Fixed Fee Scale from Victoria's Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
Good news on architects fees from Victoria.
Farewell from the ACA - Vic / Tas
Thanks to John Castles, Jim Earle and Struan Gilfillan for their long commitment to the ACA and the profession.
Builder and Architects - Event Report
Architects and Builders, the July ACA - SA Round Table, canvassed a broad range of matters. Ian Hore outlines the key discussion points.
July Update
It is always busy at ACA - SA. John Held outlines recent events and activities.
Architecture and New Media
The next ACA - Vic/Tas event sees Andrew Maynard and Justine Clark offer their perspectives on architecture and contemporary media.
Save the Date to Welcome Queensland’s Newest Architects
Celebrate our profession and share experiences with industry peers.
What are We Doing to Ourselves?
Nic MacCormac reports on a vibrant discussion in Perth on architectural business issues, changes in the industry and how we can adapt to them.
Public Infrastructure Report
The ACA welcomes the release of the final inquiry report of the Productivity Commission into Public Infrastructure.
ACA - Vic/Tas President's Report, 2014
Simon Hanger, ACA - Vic/Tas President, outlines the branches achievements and activities over the past year, along with initiatives for the coming year.
Negotiating the Risk in Disability Standards
What are the risks involved with disability standards? An event report on ACA - Qld’s lunchtime forum.
ACA - Qld / NT Branch Committee Elections
Nominations for the ACA - Qld / NT Branch Committe are now open.
ACA - WA President's Overview, 2014
Richard Young, President of ACA - WA, summarises activities of the past year.
Architects and Builders Round Table
The next ACA - SA Roundtable brings together architects and builders to discuss changes and developments in the industry.
SA Construction Professionals Forum
Advocacy in South Australia continues apace through the Construction Professionals Forum.
2013-14, a Year of Achievement for ACA - Queensland
ACA - Qld President Geoff Street reports on activities, events and initiatives of 2013 - 14.
The ACA in 2014
Steve Kennedy, ACA National President and ACA - NSW/ACT President, gives an overview of the year.
Congratulations Steve Kennedy!
Steve Kennedy, ACA National President, has been recognised by the Australian Institute of Architects for his sustained, long-term work for the good of the profession.
SA President’s Report, 2013 - 2014
John Held, ACA - SA President, reports on the previous year and on plans for the future.
John Pastorelli workshops
Step into the creative sandpit - two workshops in Tasmania with John Pastorelli.
Negotiating the Risk in the Disability Standards
ACA - Qld's next lunch forum sees guest speaker Bryce Tolliday address the issue of risk in disability standards.
2014 Federal Budget Impact Survey
Take the ACA's one-minute survey on the impact of the Federal budget
Design and Construction for a Sustainable Industry
The new ACIF policy on Design and Construction for a Sustainable Industry was led by ACA - SA President John Held.
Report from ACA National Executive
The National Executive met in Adelaide at the beginning of May to review the past year and plan for the future.
Lawyers, Financiers, Architects
How can financiers, architects and lawyers find better and fairer ways of working together? Ian Hore reports on a recent ACA - SA round table discussion.
Health & Safety in the Workplace - Get Involved!
Anna Piatkowska invites members to help develop a set of guidelines on architects’ duties as employers under health and safety legislation.
ACIF & APCC collaborations
ACIF and the APCC have a number of projects underway relating to procurement, project team integration and BIM.
Tour, lunch & talk
ACA - SA has a bumper member event planned for May 5. Save the date now.
New ACA Partner - Building on Air
The ACA's new partnership with Building on Air provides further opportunity to develop the discussion about business and architecture.
Is Cloud the Answer?
ACA Qld's April lunchtime forum offers members an opportunity to understand the main drivers behind cloud migration.
Is Your Head in the Cloud?
ACA - WA's first event for 2014 asks, What can cloud technology do for an architectural practice?
Employment Update
Michael Corrigan provide an update on changes to the Fair Work Act and what they mean for architectural practices.
Celebrating 50 years of ACA - SA
ACA - SA celebrates 50 years with an event at the SA Architecture Museum.
ACA - SA Advocacy - February update
ACA - SA has kicked off 2014 with energy and enthusiasm. John Held provides an update on recent advocacy and initiatives.
National Competency Standards in Architecture Forum - a precis
David Wagner reports on the National Competency Standards in Architecture Review Forum.
Building a Successful Architectural Business
In the first ACA - Vic/Tas event for 2014 Charles Justin will discuss building a successful architectural business, including reflections on his own career and businesses.
Design Island
Jack Birrell reports on the TADA Awards, a new program firmly establishing Tasmania's creative presence.
Insurance - an overview
What is the current situation for insurance? Damian Harrison overviews the PI insurance landscape as it pertains to architecture.
Brisbane Supreme & District Courts
ACA - Qld's first event for 2014 is a site tour of the new Brisbane Supreme and District Courts by Architectus and Guymer Bailey.
Australia's Second Most Overrated Degree?
A response to recent mainstream media reportage claiming that architecture as Australia's second most overrated degree.
Fair Work Employer Checklist
Do you understand all your obligations under the national workplace relations system?
ARBV Update
An update from Simon Hanger on the integration of the ARBV into the new Victorian Building Authority.
Event Report: NCSA Review
A roundtable in South Australia canvassed knowledge of and responses to the National Competency Standards in Architecture in the lead-up to the AACA review.
Event Report: HR Policies
Your human resources policies and procedures are in place, but are they implemented and consistently followed?
The international discussion of architecture salaries continues with a number of ongoing projects.
Internships - Legal Advice
An employer’s legal obligations, rights and responsibilities in relation to students, work experience participants and volunteers.
Welcoming Queensland's newest architects
ACA - Qld celebrated the achievements of newly registered architects at its 2013 Annual Members Lunch.
PI Insurance & AS 4122 - 2010
Does signing the AS 4122 - 2010 General Conditions of Contract put your PI insurance at risk? The ACA - WA is working to rectify this. Richard Young, ACA - WA President, outlines the issues and progress thus far.
Fair Work Changes from January 2014
Is your practice prepared for the changes to the Fair Work Act from 1 January 2014?
NSW/ACT 2014 Webinar Series
ACA - NSW/ACT has arranged a program of ongoing lunchtime webinar events addressing core business issues for 2014.
SA Workplace Health & Safety Working Group
A new working group in South Australia aims to rationalise the work health and safety material presented to architects.
Graduate Gender Pay Gap
The graduate gender pay gap in architecture is a complicated matter. John Held and ACA - SA aimed to clarify recent poor reporting.
Architects & Engineers: Venus & Mars?
An ACA - SA Roundtable between architects and engineers canvassed a range of topics - the current marketplace, the working relationship between architects and engineers, and education.
Thank You Graham Hobbs
Mark Trotter recalls the longstanding contribution that Graham Hobbs has made to the ACA and the profession.
RBA Chart Pack
The RBA Chart Pack includes material of interest to architecture and construction.
Award Modernisation
Simon Hanger outlines the ACA’s role in the Award Modernisation Process, which led to the Architects Award.
WA Architectural Panel - update
Negotiations continue in WA over the government’s Building Management and Works contracts. Richard Young provides a further update.
Australian Standards General Conditions of Contract Review
David Slinn updates members on the Australian Standards General Conditions of Contract Review.
Australian Construction Industry Forum Update
John Held provides an update on recent ACIF activities.
Conditions of Engagement in WA - An Update on Negotiations
Richard Young reports on progress in addressing concerns about the Architectural Services Panel Conditions of Engagement.
Architectural Practice Board of SA Code of Conduct
The new Code of Conduct released by the Architectural Practice Board of South Australia requires extra material to be added to standard architect client agreements.
Event Report: Succession Planning
What will your legacy be? Succession planning was the hot topic at ACA - Qld’s last event for 2013.
Anti-bullying legislation
New anti-bullying legislation focusses on how employers respond to allegations of bullying.
Construction Industry Report
The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released the Private Sector Construction Industry Report for the 2011-2012 financial year.
WA Government Contracts
An update on ACA - WA's ongoing advocacy for better conditions of engagement in government contracts.
Safe Design in South Australia
ACA Safe Design documents are being been adapted for South Australia.