ACA National Webinar Program

The ACA National Webinar Program offers the opportunity for practitioners to join a national discussion on the business of architecture, while also gaining CPD.
The ACA National Webinar Series presents a comprehensive program of webinars across a range of topics. These are accessible to all members, regardless of location. Importantly, the webinars enable two-way discussion – those participating can submit questions to be put to the presenter in real time.
ACA national webinars provide an informative, relevant and cost-effective educational service to all members, wherever they are located.
If you would like to suggest further topics or speakers do let us know – email Katherine Ygosse, ACA webinar coordinator
CPD On Demand
Did you miss out on a particularly interesting webinar? Are you working towards fulfilling your CPD requirements? ACA CPD webinars are now available for purchase on demand, with the past four years of webinars covering a range of business-related topics available to view at your leisure.
The ACA is committed to developing a strong culture of discussion around business matters in architecture, and to keeping members informed and up-to-date about important topics.
The National Webinar Series serves both these aims – it will expand knowledge and understanding through expert presentations, while bringing members together to discuss and debate the issues. By facilitating national participation we hope to build a strong network across the country, and provide expanded opportunities for interaction and discussion.
Each event delivers one hour of formal CPD.
Members: $25
Non-members: $40
We aim to keep costs low to ensure that ACA CPD webinars are accessible to all.