ACA - VIC/TAS News - August 2020

As Victoria hits the halfway mark of Lockdown 2.0, we provide an update of recent activity in the Vic/Tas branch, with the VicPulse survey (still open), the new Mental Wellbeing Forum and a VBA Update of COVID-19 Guidelines.
If you have already taken the VicPulse Survey, thank you for your response!
If you have yet to participate, please consider taking the survey today. It takes around 10 minutes to complete. Please answer once per practice. By submitting your response you will be assisting advocacy efforts for the profession at this critical time for Victoria. Please take the ACA VicPulse survey now! Survey closes COB Wednesday, 26 August
Architects Mental Wellbeing Forum – Victoria/Tasmania
The ACA is delighted to be taking the lead on the development of an Architects Mental Wellbeing Forum (AMWF) in Australia, which will build on the great work being done with AMWF in the UK. This follows on from the Built Environment Channel event, Architects Leadership Series: Culture + Wellbeing, “A thriving architecture practice needs happy, thriving people”.
The AMWF was originally planned as a face to face forum, but in the current climate we have recently pushed ahead with Daniel Haskell, from our ACA Vic/Tas committee, facilitating our first meeting online for Victoria/Tasmania. Our next gathering is Thursday 27 August when we will be joined by Brian Clohessy, Head of People and Character, BVN, who also spoke at the BEC event.
AMWF meetings are open to all interested parties regardless of ACA membership. If you would like more information on AMWF or would like to join us for a meeting in future and contribute to the direction of the group, please contact Katherine Ygosse at or 0413 520 548.
VBA Update
The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) has issued a further update of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidelines for the Victorian building and construction industry Revision 7, together with explanatory notes.
According to the VBA, these Guidelines have been revised to incorporate the new Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Directions for Stage 4 Restrictions across Metropolitan Melbourne and include links to full details of the Restrictions and Guidance.
It should be noted that the Guidelines should be read in conjunction with information available online through the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Business Victoria, which will continue to be updated for clarifications. The Business Victoria Sector Guidance Questions and Answers were also updated on 20 August.