ACA - Vic/Tas update

11 July 2017

ACA – Vic/Tas continues to work hard behind the scenes, announces a new quarterly event program, and seeks new committee members.

Negotiating the Modern Architects Award review

The ACA is currently involved in the re-negotiation of the Modern Architects Award review, led by the Vic/Tas Branch. There are a a number of key proposed changes to the Award and we are awaiting notification of a hearing date for these. The changes proposed affect the following clauses:

  • Clause 19.1 Ordinary Hours of Work and Rostering
  • Clause 19.2 Overtime
  • Clause 19.3 Time off instead of overtime
  • Clause 19.4 Agreements under this clause must be recorded in writing and kept as part of the time and wages records.
  • Clause 20 Annual leave
  • Clause 20.1 Annual leave is provided for in the NES
  • Clause 20.2 Excessive leave accruals: general provision
  • Clause 20.3 Excessive leave accruals: direction by employer that leave be taken
  • Clause 20.4 Excessive leave accruals: request by employee for leave
  • Clause 20.5 Annual leave loading
  • Clause 20.6 Annual leave in advance
  • Clause 20.7 Cashing out annual leave

In addition to the above changes, the ACA has also sought a number of additional changes including:

  • Review of the notice period during the qualifying period
  • Time off instead of payment for overtime.
  • Changes to equipment and special clothing allowances
  • Definition of student architect to include: Completed Bachelor Degree with a pathway to a Master of Architecture
  • The inclusion of Cbus as a superannuation fund.

ACA Toolbox –  new resources

ACA – Vic/Tas continues its work developing tools for the ACA Business Toolbox. Current projects underway and recently completed include:

  • The next version of the ACA Architects’ Time/Cost Calculation Guide. This will enable firms to actively benchmark their costs against practices of similar size. This will be released shortly. We are also pleased to note that the Guide has now been adopted by The University of Melbourne as a teaching tool for professional practice.
  • The recent release of the ACA Salary Calculator and the development of templates to assist firms in determining the relative pay points under the Award. (The Calculator is currently being updated to the 2017/18 Award rates.)
  • A new resource sharing tool that will enable collegiate sharing of resources

Quarterly events

ACA – Vic/Tas is now arranging quarterly events on key business practice matters and is looking to re-engage with the regional network, especially in Tasmania.

Join the ACA – Vic/Tas Committee

The branch has seen significant growth over the last three years and we are keen to demonstrate the benefits of ACA membership to the wider architectural community.

We would welcome new members to the committee, especially from emerging practices. If you are interested in getting involved, please get in touch with EO Michelle Eades