ACA - WA Welcomes Changes to the DAP System
ACA – WA welcomes the announcement of amendments and improvements to the Development Assessment Panel (DAP) process in Western Australia by the Hon Donna Faragher MLC, Minister for Planning; Disability Services.
In September of this year ACA – WA met directly with the Minister and her key policy advisors and presented key recommendations to make the DAP process more efficient, transparent and flexible. We are very pleased the Minister has incorporated many of our key recommendations including:
- Provide an option to opt-out of a DAP in favour of a local government for developments, such as industrial warehouses, that will not significantly impact local amenity.
- DAP members and local governments to be provided with more governance support where required.
- Provide proponents with the option to choose between a local government or a DAP when requesting an amendment to a minor aspect of an existing development approval (Form 2).
ACA – WA provided a clear, evidence-based approach to the planning system. This was based on a wide-ranging member survey on the DAP process, which resulted in clear suggestions for improvement. Our members are at the frontline of the processes required for our clients to obtain development assessments and approvals. Architects mediate their responsibilities to clients (and their commercial interests) and our shared aspirations for better quality design of the built environment.
ACA – WA believes that these amendments, along with the others nominated in the announcement, will assist our members and their clients greatly in streamlining the planning process. This helps ensure that the focus of architects’ efforts is on the design, development and delivery of higher quality buildings for our cities.
Further information
“Changes to the DAP system announced” Government of Western Australia media release