ACIF Customised Forecasts Dashboard
ACA members will now have free access to the ACIF Customised Forecasts Dashboard.
From May 2019, the Australian Construction Industry Forum (ACIF) will offer ACA members free access to the ACIF Customised Forecasts Dashboard, a streamlined data portal to the ACIF Forecasts.
The ACIF Customised Forecasts Dashboard features easy-to-use query tools, which assist practices to determine upcoming market conditions and to obtain accurate local or national data. The Dashboard includes the actuals for the last ten years plus forecasts for the next ten. Data is available for upcoming work for residential building, non-residential building and engineering construction in all states and territories. The labour section covers how many workers the industry will need, when and what type, and the projects section covers all major projects by region including stage, value and timing. The current costs of construction also feature.
The ACIF Forecasts are prepared by respected economic modellers, using high quality data sources, and are overseen by ACIF’s Construction Forecasting Council, an industry panel of expert analysts and researchers.
You can see an overview of the ACIF Customised Forecasts Dashboard here.
This access is usually sold for $250 per person. The free access will begin from the release of the May 2019 Forecasts on 14 May. Next month we’ll provide updated details on how to subscribe.