Architectural Practice Board of SA Code of Conduct
The new Code of Conduct released by the Architectural Practice Board of South Australia requires extra material to be added to standard architect client agreements.
The Architectural Practice Board of South Australia recently released its Code of Conduct, which aims to “provide guidance for architects in their professional lives” and to “ensure that the integrity of the profession is maintained”.
The Code outlines twelve standards including Standard 4: the Competent Management of Business. The other standards are: Honesty and integrity; Competence; Honest promotion of Services; Considering the wider impact of work; Architects should carry out professional work faithfully and conscientiously and with due regard to relevant technical and professional standards; Trustworthiness and safeguarding clients’ money; Insurance arrangements; Maintaining the reputation of the architects; Dealing with disputes or complaints appropriately; Co-operation with regulatory requirements and investigations; and Respect for others.
If an architect’s conduct falls short of this Code, the Board may have cause to take disciplinary action for unprofessional conduct.
Of course, the ACA strongly supports the setting of standards for the professional conduct of all architects. However, ACA – SA has identified that the new Code of Conduct requires a number of particulars in all client architect agreements that are not covered by the Australian Institute of Architects standard agreements. These include a reference to dispute resolution functions of the Board (Standard 4.5), the requirement for registration numbers, and the requirement that the contract make clear the extent to which architectural services will be subcontracted (Standard 4.6).
ACA – SA is interested to gain feedback about the extent the Codes of Conduct in other states require Client Agreements to cover material beyond the Australian Institute of Architects standard agreements.
This item was first published in ACA Communique, September 2013.