Award Review
The ACA is seeking members’ input into the upcoming review of the Architects Award.
The Fairwork Commissioner has advised that the four-yearly review of the Group 4 Modern Awards is now scheduled to commence.
Justice Ross, President, advised on 10 May 2016 that “In conducting a 4 yearly review the Commission must have regard to the modern awards objective”, including “the need to ensure a simple, easy to understand, stable and sustainable modern award system for Australia that avoids overlap of modern awards”.
The ACA Industrial Committee will be working with Platinum Employee Relations to prepare a submission on drafting and technical issues contained in the exposure draft – which you can access here.
The ACA has identified a number of areas of the Award where we believe improvements could be achieved. These include:
- Amendment to Clause 12 of the Award to bring the provisions in line with the NES
- Consideration of alterations to Salary Classifications to better reflect current university course structures, particularly as they relate to years of experience
- Reassessment of Clause 18.4 relating to Default Superannuation funds
We would welcome any input from members regarding issues that may be considered appropriate for review.
The program is such that any suggestions need to be received by Friday 27 May 2016.
Please send your comments to