BoSP2: Organisational Structure
On 23 November, the ACA – WA held its second Business of Small Practice event, talking shares, trusts, asset protection and employee ownership over breakfast.
BoSP 2: Organisational Structure was held at the South Fremantle warehouse of emerging practice, Whispering Smith. Commercial lawyer Luke Paterson from Jackson McDonald took members through the nitty gritty of organisational structure, describing its various interpretations within the sphere of professional services.
Using a radically different format to the first BoSP, architectural academic, Dr Robyn Creagh, acted as facilitator, breaking down the topic into the following segments – common business structures, employee incentive arrangements, shareholders agreements, and new insights. It was a fascinating presentation, followed by conversation and questions.
Architectural academic Dr Robyn Creagh and commercial lawyer Luke Paterson were the speakers at BoSP2.
Pressing issues such as asset protection, employee share schemes, succession planning, side hustles and culture were all discussed. Interestingly, Luke made the point that any decision about company structure should be informed by a philosophical discussion about roles and expectations. He has promised copies of his slides, which we’ll share as soon as we’ve got them.
The ACA – WA will continue to run BoSP events, with two more lined up for 2019. Keep your eye on your inboxes for further details.
Photos: Kelsey Jovanou