Building Information Modelling, Procurement & Contracts
Does BIM require or benefit from new contract provisions and new procurement models?
Presented in collaboration with the Society of Construction Law Australia and Consult Australia, Professor David Mosey will report on current research, led by King’s College, London, as to how construction contracts and team selection processes can help make BIM work.
David will illustrate his talk with UK case studies, including the largest prison in Europe, where BIM has been combined with collaborative working and early contractor involvement. He will assess the impact of BIM on design liability, the duty to warn, project programming and IP rights, as well as risk management and dispute resolution.
David Mosey
Professor David Mosey is the Director of the Centre of Construction Law and Dispute Resolution at King’s College, London. He is lead a mentor for the UK Government trialling new procurement models that support the mandate for BIM to be used on all public sector projects by 2016.
Friday, 13 November 2015, 7.30 – 9.15 am
Parmelia Hilton
14 Mill St
Perth WA 6000
RSVP 6 November
Register via the Consult Australia website
This event is sponsored by Autodesk.