Employment Agreement Templates – User Guide
This User Guide is a companion to the ACA Employment Agreement Templates, offering advice on how to best use these templates within practice. Topics include pay rates, allowances, amending Schedule A, amending the contract, adding a position description and re-issuing contracts to existing employees.
Updated Employment Agreement Templates
The ACA is delighted to release an updated version of the Employment Agreement templates to support members. Our IR advisor Fair Work Lawyers has recently undertaken a review of our template employment contracts, ensuring they are user friendly and legally compliant, and reflect recent legislative changes. Download them today!
Guide Agreements – Individual Flexible Arrangements
The ACA Guide IFA Agreement provides member practices with a guide document to review and adjust to suit their particular practice.
Guide Agreements – time off in lieu and cashing out leave
The ACA provides new Guide Agreements to assist members meet their obligations under recent changes to the Architects Award.