Closing Loopholes Legislation

Tom Earls , 6 September 2023

On Monday 4 September, the Federal Government announced its third tranche of IR reforms in the past 12 months. Under the title of “closing loopholes”, the legislation proposes widespread changes not only to employment relationships (and especially casual and labour hire engagements) but also independent contracting arrangements. Tom Earls from Fair Work Lawyers provides an overview of the proposed legislation and the potential implications for employers.

Tom writes: “If passed ‘as is’, this would represent arguably the biggest workplace reform that has been undertaken since Federation, and definitely will have the widest reach.”

Log in below to read the full overview of the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill 2023, with sections on casual employment, “Same job, same pay”, union delegates rights, changes to right of entry, wage theft, massive increase to civil penalties, independent contractors, large scale regulation of “regulated workers”, changes to enterprise bargaining, changes to anti-discrimination laws and small business redundancy.


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The above matters are necessarily general in nature and specific advice must be sought for specific circumstances or what preparations you should be considering for your business. If you would like further information in relation to these matters, please contact the team at Fair Work Lawyers.