Careers: Samantha Rich
CareerTrackers placements with Lendlease and SJB gave Samantha Rich valuable real-world experience, feedback and skills she could immediately draw upon when she left university.
Michael Lewarne
Vice President of the NSW/ACT branch Michael Lewarne discusses his early career, lessons learned in practice, and the value of thinking critically, maintaining curiosity, and making space for opportunities along the way.
IWD Reflections
As International Women's Day 2019 approaches, ACA CEO Angelina Pillai reflects on her upbringing, the importance of seeing strong women leaders in public life, and the need to push for basic human rights for all.
Melonie Bayl-Smith
Bijl Architecture founder and director Melonie Bayl-Smith shares the key lessons she has learned in practice, the value of mentoring programs, and the many benefits she has gained from involvement with professional organisations.
Agi Sterling
As we kick off another year, we feature a wide-ranging interview with the first female Vice President of the National Executive Committee and President of the NSW / ACT branch.