COVID-19 Management Guidelines

16 February 2022

Comprehensive and written in plain English, the COVID-19 Management Guidelines can be readily tailored to suit the needs of specific practices.

The Guidelines have sections on Communication, Hygiene, Masks, Testing and Staff Exposure Procedures, Safe Remote Working, Vaccination and Changing Government Mandates or Advice.

The Guidelines were originally developed in September 2020 by the ACA Industrial Relations Committee and have now been updated in February 2022 with additions from the QLD/NT Branch Committee and advice from Fair Work Lawyers.

The document was up-to-date at the time of publication, but COVID-19 is a rapidly evolving situation and the ACA will continue to bring you updates, providing insights and advice into the considerations employers need to take into account. See IR Updates for the latest workplace advice and the ACA’s Coronavirus Resource Roundup for links to the Coronavirus Restriction Checker, Safe Work Australia, Fair Work Australia and relevant state and territory COVID-19 information pages, including those related to business and the workplace.

The COVID-19 Management Guidelines are available to all ACA members – log in to download below. If you aren’t a member, find out more about the benefits of ACA membership here.

NOTE: Member Only Content