John Pastorelli workshops

10 June 2014

Step into the creative sandpit – ACA members are invited to two workshops in Tasmania with John Pastorelli.

Two workshops – at either end of Tasmania – aim to help energise creative businesses. John Pastorelli from Ochre Learning will give you the resources to:

  • gear up when things get stuck
  • generate ideas that add value
  • energise an innovative and client centric approach to your business.

6pm – 8.30pm
Wednesday 25 June

Rory Spence Theatre, UTAS School of Architecture, Inveresk


6pm – 8.30pm
Thursday 26 June

Australian Institute of Architects


Public $35
Members $25
Students $15

Includes drinks and nibbles


Book online or at the door

Launceston bookings

Hobart bookings

The workshops are organiseed by the Association of Graphic Designers Australia (AGDA), the national organization representing the graphic design industry, and Jack Birell, ACA’s Tasmanian representative.