Mentoring case study – Hassell
Emerging from a survey of graduates in 2021, the mentoring program running in the Hassell Brisbane studio has encouraged new relationships and collaborations within the practice, building different knowledge, experiences and networks. The People Coach program is another new initiative, which is available to all staff globally.
Mentoring case study – SJB
SJB has implemented two mentoring programs to cater for different preferences and needs – a less formal program called SJBuddies and the more formal SJB Mentoring.
Mentoring case study – Bates Smart
Bates Smart outlines their reasons for setting up their mentoring program, which is part of a broader Career Planning Framework and includes approximately 280 participants.
Mentoring – Follow-up Q&A
The recent Stepping Up on Mentoring session was extremely popular and there was a flood of questions in the chat, too many to answer on the day. Our speakers have generously answered these questions as a follow-up.
Mentoring case study – COX
COX Architecture outlines how their mentoring program works, the benefits and challenges of implementation, and some advice for others keen on setting up a program for their own practice.
Mentoring Resources
Our resource roundup points to various mentoring platforms and programs, as well as information and advice on how to implement effective mentoring programs, alongside the suite of Stepping Up resources.
What is mentoring and why does it matter?
Mentoring offers opportunities and pathways for both mentors and mentees to expand their knowledge base, build relationships and develop invaluable skills. Incorporating a mentoring program into your practice can have a substantial impact on individuals and practice culture, regardless of your size or scale.
How to create an effective mentoring program
An effective mentoring program helps individuals develop their careers and navigate the world of work. It helps transfer knowledge across generations, improves the skills of mentors and mentees, and build practice and professional cultures.
On Mentoring
Watch the Stepping Up session on the what, why and how of mentoring, with speakers Ben Green of Em Be Ce, Erin Collins of Hayball and Gemma McDonald of DKO, and hosts Angelina Pillai, Monica Edwards and Justine Clark. The recording includes bonus footage from the conversation after the session closed.
The Merits of Mentoring
When it comes to creating a motivated and well-supported architectural workforce, mentoring is a no-brainer, argues Michael Smith.
Reverse Mentoring
Reverse mentoring has much to offer architectural practices, with potential benefits to employees, employers and the whole business.