Message from Mark Williams
Mark Williams, the new ACA – Qld/NT President, provides an update in activities and plans.
Since becoming a member of the ACA in 1999, my small suburban architectural practice has benefited from the ACA in many ways – from the tools to help run my business, ongoing education from events and webinars, occasional legal support to the fellowship at events, after work get-togethers and committee meetings.
In 2012 the ACA launched a Strategic Plan. This focuses on the Business of Architecture, with the mandate to “develop the ACA into a broader-based, business-focused organisation, while maintaining its existing industrial role”. As part of this, the ACA plans to grow membership by 100% over two years. We have seen growth in this direction, but are continuing to work hard to build a vibrant and relevant organisation that meets the business needs of a broader section of the architectural community. As the new President of the ACA Qld/NT, it is my aim to continue to find ways to help support our members and, in turn, to gain momentum with membership growth. There is strength and influence in numbers!
State merger
This year the ACA Queensland and ACA Northern Territory branches merged to form the ACA Qld/NT Branch. We look forward to engaging with the NT ACA members.
Committee election
Elections for ACA Qld/NT Committee have been completed with the ten persons nominating being elected. The returning Committee members include:
Carl Brooks – Sponsorship
Bruce Forrester – Membership
David Porgand – Treasurer
Geoff Street – Immediate Past President
Denis Waring – Secretary
Rob Wesener – Vice-President/Events
Mark Williams – President
We also welcome the following new members to the Committee and look forward to their involvement.
David Bridgman – NT representative
Gilda Donegan – Events
David Frost – Events
Thank you to Geoff Street for his Presidential leadership over the last two years, and to our two members who have retired from the Committee – Mark Trotter, who was Immediate Past President, 2012-2014, after more than ten years work for the ACA, and Ray Giarola who gave seven years of dedicated service.
Our event champions have developed a Calendar of Events for 2015 which will be released in November. If you have any topics you would like addressed, please email them to Louise Street at
Reducing regulatory burden and cutting red tape
Recently the ACA – Qld/NT participated in a stakeholders meeting to consider ways of reducing regulatory burden and cutting red tape within the Architects Act 2002. Participants included representatives from Queensland Board of Architects: the Registrar, Denis Bergin; chairperson, Professor Susan Savage; community interest member, Paul Bidwell and lawyer, Julie Whitehead. The Australian Institute of Architects was represented by Henry Peel, with private practices represented by Ian Mitchell from Conrad Gargett Riddel and John Deicke from Deicke Richards. Kate Doyle from Architects Accreditation Council of Australia, Steve Griffin, QBCC Commissioner, and Queensland Government representatives were also in attendance. By the end of the session the target had been set for identifying potential burden reduction. Further review and risk analysis will be completed before any recommendations are made to the Queensland Government.
Corporate partners
Throughout 2014, the ACA Qld/NT Corporate Partners have continued to provide educational and financial support for our monthly events.
I would like to acknowledge and thank Ardex Australia, Ashburner Francis, Enware Australia, GWA Bathrooms and Kitchens, Interface, James Hardie, Kennedy’s Classic Aged Timbers and Stokes Wheeler.
Mark Williams
Mark Williams is the President of ACA – Qld/NT and managing director of Mark Williams Architects.