New Building Product Ban in NSW
The NSW Commissioner for Fair Trading has announced a building product ban for certain types of aluminium composite panel (ACP) cladding.
Recent tragic fires in Melbourne and London high-rises have spurred investigation and review of cladding materials around Australia, with state governments carrying out audits and reviews of building products that might pose a safety risk.
On 15 August, the NSW Commissioner for Fair Trading, Rose Webb, imposed a building product use ban to “prohibit the use of aluminium composite panels with a core comprised of greater than 30 per cent polyethylene by mass in any external cladding, external wall, external insulation, façade or rendered finish in certain multi storey buildings, subject to specific exceptions.”
Any person or corporation who does not comply with the requirements of the ban can be subject to fines. A corporation found to be using a banned building product can be fined up to $1.1 million and individuals can be fined up to $220,000.
For further information, see the NSW Fair Trading website or call 13 32 20.