CPD Webinars On Demand
Did you miss out on a particularly interesting webinar? Are you working towards fulfilling your CPD requirements? A comprehensive suite of relevant ACA CPD webinars are now available for purchase on demand.
Brisbane IWD Luncheon
ACA Qld/NT is celebrating International Women’s Day on Friday, 7 March 2025. Join us for a special, intimate boardroom-style luncheon at the creative space of Southside Restaurant in Fish Lane.
NSW DBP Act – A Fire Safety Engineer’s Perspective
Join the ACA NSW/ACT on Wednesday 26 February for an insightful technical presentation exploring the NSW DBP Act from the perspective of a Fire Safety Engineer. Luke Sheehy will provide valuable insights into meeting regulatory expectations, enhancing coordination, and ensuring compliance with the Act, as well as unpacking real-world examples.
Exchanging ideas in Context – Canberra RAA event
The RAA is hosting their next multi-day event from 20–22 March in Canberra. Curated by Hal Guida of Guida Moseley Brown and RAA president Tim Lee, “Context” will consider Canberra’s progression from outback sheep station to nation’s capital, examining the planning journey over the years and the growing pains experienced along the way. ACA members are eligible for a 15% discount.
Financial clarity for business workshop
Running a business can make it hard to focus on the big picture and align profits with your life goals. What if you could automate your financial success, worry less, and focus more on what matters most? Join the ACA and our three expert speakers on Wednesday 26 February for an in-person workshop on financial, tax management and asset protection strategies.
Cyber security and third-party risk
Third-party risk is the most critical threat to Australian businesses today. Architecture practices face particular risks due to their reliance on large volumes of data and third-party systems. Join the ACA and Frances Russell from FooForce on Wednesday 5 March for essential insights on managing cybersecurity risks related to suppliers.
Records you can rely on
informed by Planned Cover is offering a 15% discount for ACA members for its upcoming CPD webinar on effective record keeping. The session will tackle document management systems, risk management and contractual obligations, and features Lisa Wastell-Anthony and Wendy Poulton. Don’t miss it!
ACA SA Welcome Breakfast 2025
The ACA SA is kicking off the year with a relaxed breakfast for our branch committee and members, featuring guest speaker Paul Viney, the ACA’s newly appointed National President. We are delighted to invite you to Luigi’s Delicatessen on Tuesday 18 February.
Effective advocacy strategies
Increasingly, architects are being asked to advocate for good design and public safety, defend the profession and argue for better outcomes for our cities and communities. Whether you want to start a letter-writing campaign, respond to a policy submission, or meet with a Minister, this webinar will help you elevate your advocacy skills.
Practicing on Country CPD Course
The Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning at the University of Sydney is offering a 20% discount for ACA members for its Practicing on Country CPD course, an online, self-paced 1.5 hour learning module.
SA Business of Design Lunch recap
The SA Committee was delighted to host the fourth annual Business of Design lunch on Thursday 18 August with guest speakers Lindsay and Kerry Clare. Several attendees share their reflections here.
Canberra Half-Yearly CPD Event Recap
Stephen Pearse provides a recap of the ACA’s recent six-monthly catch-up and CPD event in Canberra. It was an excellent evening for all, with informative presentations and a chance to learn, earn CPD and meet up.
Sydney event – Becoming fearless in practice
Join Michael Lewarne and the NSW/ACT branch on Wednesday 27 April for a presentation on reshaping practice and exploring new possibilities. Don’t miss our first Sydney face to face event for the year.
BoSP Recap – Fee Talk
More than 300 architects registered for our recent BoSP webinar on fees with Kate Fitzgerald, Warwick Mihaly and Mick Moloney, and we’re still not sure if it was the topic or the presenters that generated all that interest!
New BGGS Science Learning Centre
In April 2021, the QLD/NT branch committee organised a site tour of the seven-storey Science Learning Centre at the Brisbane Girls Grammar School. Ray Giarola provides a recap.
Ideas for a Better Profession
The NSW/ACT branch committee is delighted to present another face to face event on Thursday 27 May, with speaker Michael Lewarne exploring important questions about the nature of architectural practice and how we might do things differently in a post-COVID world.
Medium Density Symposium recap
On 31 March, the WA branch hosted its most ambitious event yet – a symposium on the State Government’s proposed policy to guide medium density developments across Western Australia. Emma Brain provides a recap.
Medium Density Policy in WA
The WA branch has been leading a series of initiatives aimed at engaging the architecture profession with the State Government’s draft Medium Density Code. Watch our short film featuring some of the designers who worked with DesignWA to shape this policy ... and then have your say.
ACA Member Discount for D&BP Act Webinar
informed by Planned Cover is offering a 15% discount to ACA members for their follow-up webinar on the Design & Building Practitioners Act 2020 (NSW) on 22 April.
Industrial Relations Webinar – Free to ACA members
In early 2021, the ACA’s new industrial advisor, Tom Earls from Fair Work Lawyers, presented a very timely IR Update. This CPD webinar is now available for purchase on demand (free for ACA members).