News from SA

John Held , 17 February 2017

There is a lot planned in SA for 2017. John Held provides an update.

Welcome to 2017 – the committee met in mid-February to plan for the year, and in particular for the forthcoming visit of Transport and Infrastructure Minister Stephen Mullighan to our March Committee meeting.

Members who have particular issues that they would like the committee to consider raising with the minister should contact John Held within the next week.

We also welcome new members to our association!

Program for 2017

Our program for 2017 will include a number of Roundtables covering issues such as insurance, superannuation, employment awards and contracts, and a session with the Government Architect.

Also in the early planning stages are the following:

  • A half-day joint seminar with BuildSA on the future of the construction industry
  • Possible joint seminar with MBA on seismic restraint
  • Session on practice management software.

We are planning a visit to SA from the ACA’s industrial advisor, Michael Corrigan. The current Architects Award is under review by the Fair Work Commission, and all employers must be aware of their obligations under the award.

MBA Meeting

The Architects/Builders liaison group met on 13 February. A number of issues were discussed, including the updated Tendering Guidelines, which should be released shortly, and the continuing concern about documentation quality. The builders are keen to explore ways to counteract the increasing pressure on architects to do more with less time and hours – something that would benefit the profession and the whole industry.

DPTI Procurement and Prequalification

The ACA, Institute and Consult Australia continue to have discussions with DPTI regarding the introduction of AS4122-2010 and the inclusion of any non-standard conditions of contract. The talks are ongoing.

We have also been discussing how to best manage local content and economic benefit requirements in contracts.  Following the meetings organised by the Institute regarding the STEM Works program, the Office of the Industry Advocate is calling for Expressions of Interest for suitable FF&E for these projects. This may act as a trial for the collection of relevant information on product source and economic benefit to the state.

Keith Neighbour Graduate Study Program

The next Keith Neighbour Study Group commences on 22 February. If you have graduates who are planning to sit for the Registration Exams, this group is invaluable. Register your interest by emailing for more details.

White Card Training

ACA is running a White Card Training Session in March – we only have one or two vacancies left. ACA subsidises the training to the extent of $45/person for up to two people/practice. Contact Sascha Byrne at for details.