Performance Management

17 September 2018

How do you ensure your teams are motivated and productive? Join the ACA – Qld/NT and Michael Corrigan for breakfast on 9 October to explore the issues.

In business, we’re always aiming for better than average results, whether it’s growth, revenue, staff turnover or profit – but how can you ensure your employees are performing at their best? When it comes to performance management, some conversations can be awkward, uncomfortable and even a bit embarrassing. No one likes confrontation, but if you avoid the difficult conversations, growth may stagnate, and performance may drop for the individual, the team and the business. Strong leadership is key to business growth, reducing attrition and ensuring your teams are motivated and performing well.

On 9 October 2018, Michael Corrigan will discuss trends in performance management. Issues on the agenda include unfair dismissal, industrial relations, termination and dismissal, and redundancy.


Michael Corrigan is the General Manager Human Resources and Industrial Relations of Platinum Employee Relations. He has over 20 years of human resource and industrial relations experience in public and private sector management, together with experience in the trade union movement. This gives him particular insight into varying and changing workplace issues.

If you have any specific issues you would like addressed, please forward them to Louise Street ( prior to the event and Michael will answer during the session.


7–9am Tuesday,
9 October 2018


United Services Club
183 Wickham Terrace,
Spring Hill  Qld


1 formal point


Members $55, non-members $66


RSVP by Friday, 5 October 2018. Register here.