Priorities for Regional Architects

Join the ACA QLD/NT on Tuesday 22 February to discuss key industry priorities for regional architects. Book now!
There are common themes the profession faces to manage sustainable businesses:
- procurement of architectural services
- competition from other professions
- sustainable fees
- compliance and
- business costs and many more.
The QLD/NT Committee of the ACA is interested in your contribution to these and other issues specifically facing regional members.
We invite you to attend the Virtual Roundtable and welcome your thoughts and experiences so we can move forward with informed input.
Tuesday, 22 February 2022
9.30am–10.30am (Qld) / 9.00am–10.00am (NT)
Virtual roundtable discussion
Zoom (Link will be sent on completion of registration.)
1 informal point
ACA Members only: Free *
* one ticket per attendee for CPD
Click here to reserve your place by noon on Monday, 21 January 2022. Enquiries to Louise Street (0431) 369 320.