Reconciliation after the Referendum
It’s now over two weeks since the Australian public voted against the Voice to Parliament. At the ACA, we will continue to listen, learn, engage in respectful conversations, educate ourselves and share knowledge where we can. We recommend viewing the webinar ‘Reconciliation after the Referendum’ by Reconciliation Australia and downloading a valuable list of actions that organisations can take.
The ACA is a newly endorsed RAP organisation and we have committed to taking our members on the reconciliation journey with us.
The ACA knows that our organisation is stronger because we have listened to the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples. We send our thoughts and support to First Nations colleagues and friends.
Recently we listened to a webinar with Karen Mundine and Peter Morris from Reconciliation Australia on ‘Reconciliation after the Referendum’ (see below). It was an important conversation and a reminder to remain an ally and to maintain our commitment to the five dimensions of reconciliation action:
- Race relations
- Equality and equity
- Institutional integrity
- Unity
- Historical acceptance.
The webinar Reconciliation after the Referendum is available to watch at a time that suits you.
Reconciliation Australia has also prepared a valuable list of actions that organisations can take in response to the Referendum. The list includes steps to support First Nations staff and stakeholders and advice for sustaining your organisation’s commitment to reconciliation.
Download the list of actions in response to the Referendum