National Salary Survey
The ACA National Salary Survey provides important data on architectural salaries across Australia.
Advocacy in Action – December 2024 Update
Raising our profile and building meaningful relationships with government decision-makers has been a strong focus this year across the branches and nationally. Policy & Advocacy Coordinator Emma Brain offers a summary.
SA Advocacy – December 2024 Update
Justin Cucchiarelli and Stewart Caldwell lead the advocacy efforts in the ACA SA Committee, representing practices in our state when engaging with the Department for Industry and Transport (DIT). Here, Justin offers a glimpse of recent advocacy work in South Australia.
NSW Draft Building Bill – Our Submission
The ACA’s submission to the NSW Government on the Draft Building Bill 2024 is a critical part of our advocacy efforts for the architectural profession and our organisation. NSW/ACT Advocacy Spokesperson Stephen Pearse led the development of this submission and remains our conduit with the NSW Building Commissioner. Download our submission today!
ACA joins Christmas tender campaign
The ACA is once again pleased to join Consult Australia’s End of Year Tender campaign, which advocates for a pause in new procurement activities over the Christmas break to prioritise the mental wellbeing of all.
ACA responds to NSW Housing Supply Review
The NSW Productivity and Equality Commissioner recently delivered a report to the Premier and Treasurer on housing supply challenges and policy options in NSW. In a press release and letter to the Premier, the ACA highlights several areas of concern and offers recommendations to address these issues.
NSW Building Bill 2024 – ACA seeks feedback
On Friday 16 August, the ACA attended a briefing session on the new Building Bill 2024. If passed in its current form, this Bill could significantly impact our profession and the quality of the built environment in NSW. The ACA NSW/ACT Committee seeks feedback from members about the impacts on your business and possible alternatives. Feedback due COB Friday 23 August.
Response to Cladding Safety Victoria Report
The ACA responds to the recent Cladding Safety Victoria report on Compliance in Building Design. While acknowledging the seriousness of the issue, the ACA emphasises that architects have been disproportionately blamed for a problem that stems from complex, systemic failures across the entire construction industry. Consumers deserve a better system!
SA Advocacy – June 2024 update
Justin Cucchiarelli leads advocacy efforts in the ACA SA Committee, dedicated to representing practices in his state when engaging with the Department for Industry and Transport (DIT). Here, Justin offers a glimpse of recent advocacy work in South Australia.
ACA Advocacy – June Update
The ACA is actively working to amplify its voice on issues relevant to its members, the business of architecture, and practitioners’ wellbeing. We are intensifying our advocacy initiatives as we continue positioning ourselves as a vital link between the architecture profession and policymakers.
ACA WA Advocacy Prevails
After several months of committed advocacy and campaigning led by ACA WA Vice-President Kate Fitzgerald, the ACA WA is delighted to share that the once-deferred Medium Density Code has been reintroduced. This will help ensure the supply of well-designed housing in suburbs and infill precincts for the State.
2001–2021 Parlour Census Report Analysis
The latest Parlour Census Report: Gender & Diversity in Australian Architecture is a massive undertaking. It tracks 20 years of progress – some fast, some slow. The ACA is proud to support this important research. Download the full or summary reports, or read the condensed key findings here.
WA Medium Density Code Update
The deferral of the Medium Density Code has dominated the activity of the WA Branch in recent weeks. While the ACA supports the Government’s mission to increase housing supply, we are concerned that the deferral will reduce the supply of well-designed housing in suburbs and infill precincts.
Submission to ANZSCO Comprehensive review
The ACA recently made a submission to the ANZSCO Comprehensive Review to request a new sub-category title of ‘Graduate of Architecture’. This important addition will assist in creating a more accurate picture of the profession today with more meaningful predictions of future numbers for workforce planning.
President’s Comment – August 2023
It’s been a busy month of advocacy for the ACA. National President John Held outlines some of the ACA’s current advocacy work and emphasises the importance of collaboration when trying to make a difference.
Responsible AI in Australia
On 26 July 2023, the ACA made a submission to the Federal Government regarding Responsible AI in Australia as part of a consultation across sectors, professions and industries to identify and establish appropriate regulatory frameworks. The ACA will continue to engage with government as its AI policies are developed and implemented.
All-Gender Bathrooms – Proposal for NCC Change
The ACA is proud to support the proposal by Alison Cox from TAFE NSW to allow the provision of all-gender amenities as deemed to satisfy under the National Construction Code (NCC).
2023 Salary Survey findings
The 2023 ACA National Salary Survey Report is out now, with detailed analysis by Lindy Osborne Burton and Sarah Bartle. See a summary of the findings below and download the full report in the member-only section.
ACA Salary Survey Analysis 2023
The ACA National Salary Survey provides essential information on remuneration and salaries in 31 different roles for the architectural profession. What are current pay rates in the industry in 2023? What are the trends and how have salaries changed? In this CPD webinar, QUT’s Lindy Osborne Burton unpacks the key findings of the 2023 report.
SA Advocacy in Action 2023
In the ACA SA Committee, members are passionate and committed to representing the business of architecture and being a voice for practices in their state. Here, Justin Cucchiarelli offers a glimpse of recent advocacy work in South Australia.
Wellbeing of Architects project – new insights
The Wellbeing of Architects project has released its major report on a series of focus groups conducted between May and June 2022 with nearly 70 people working in the architecture profession in Australia. The focus groups identified a wide range of complex issues and discussed solutions and ways forward.
Graduate Employability Survey Results
Griffith University researcher Sebastian Smith unpacks the results of the recent Graduate Employability Survey, outlining interesting perspectives on Work-Integrated Learning and Student/Graduate Employability.
Wellbeing of Architects follow-up survey 2023
Improving mental wellbeing in practice is fundamental to the future of the profession. The ACA is proud to once again support the Wellbeing of Architects research project and encourages all to participate in this important follow-up survey on work-related wellbeing. So, take part, share your experiences, and assist with this important research.
ACA National Salary Survey 2023
The ACA National Salary Survey for 2023 is open for another year! Check your inboxes and please participate in this important industry research, an invaluable way to contribute to the health of the profession. The survey closes on 7 April 2023.
National Salary Survey FAQs
The ACA National Salary Survey is back for 2023, providing important data on architectural salaries across Australia. For more information, read our Frequently Asked Questions.
WA Advocates for Increased Energy Standards
The ACA WA Branch wrote to Minister Roger Cook ahead of his meeting with State Building Ministers to advocate for the lifting of Energy Performance Standards in the National Construction Code 2022.
Advocacy Update re ARBV
The ACA VIC/TAS branch is pleased to inform its members that the proposed changes to the Architects Registration Board of Victoria, to reduce the number of members and remove the requirement for any member to be a registered architect, have been averted for now.
Pulse Check no. 6
The results of ACA Pulse Check no. 6 reveal the significant impacts that the last two years have had on architectural practice – flexibility is now both the norm and the future. The survey confirms the very tight employment market and reflects a profession that is, on the whole, very busy.
ACA Pulse Check 6 – Initial Findings
Justine Clark provides a summary of the recent ACA Pulse Check survey findings, with stats on flexibility, employment, wellbeing and challenges, including rising material costs, supply chain problems and the increased costs of running business not matched by increased income.
SA Advocacy in Action
In the ACA SA Committee, members are passionate and committed to representing the business of architecture and being a voice for practices in their state. Here, Mario Dreosti, Catherine Startari and Simon Thomson offer a glimpse of their ongoing advocacy work.
ACA Pulse Check no. 6
The ACA Pulse Check is back. The sixth survey in our longitudinal study will chart what has changed for architectural businesses, document the challenges and identify opportunities– all to support future planning and advocacy. Take the survey today!
2022 Salary Survey Findings
After a couple of years of pandemic disruption, the 2022 ACA National Salary Survey Report is out now, with detailed analysis by Lindy Osborne Burton and Soha Matour. See a summary of the findings and download the full report in the member-only section.
Joint Statement on ARBV
The VIC/TAS branch of the ACA has made a joint statement with the Victorian chapter of the Institute in response to proposed changes to the Architects Registration Board of Victoria (ARBV), stating that consumer protection is under threat.
Around the Table – A QLD Advocacy Update
Immediate Past President of the ACA QLD/NT Robert Wesener provides a comprehensive update of the ACA’s advocacy efforts in Queensland.
National Registration Framework Joint Statement
The ACA has made a joint statement with the Institute and the AASA in response to the National Registration Framework.
ACA Advocacy: COVID-19, Indoor Air Quality & Ventilation
The ACA has joined a coalition of nine peak industry bodies to call for credible, government-endorsed, public information regarding the airborne transmission of COVID-19 and the importance of indoor air quality.
2021 National Standard of Competency for Architects
Charmaine Kai, ACA member of the Expert Reference Group on the NSCA, provides an update on the key developments.
ACA Response to Victorian Framework for Reform
After extensive consultation, the ACA’s VIC/TAS Committee has submitted its response to the Victorian government’s Framework for Reform building review. Our executive summary outlines the ACA’s key priorities and the full submission is also available for download for further background and discussion of the issues.
ACA Pulse Check 5 – findings
ACA’s first Pulse Check for the year – the fifth since the pandemic began – gives a fairly positive account of the rebound from COVID. Here we outline the key findings, including stats on levels of work and work pipeline, the impact of JobKeeper, changes to employment and workplace arrangements, mental wellbeing, and the future outlook.
ACA Pulse Check no. 5
Please take the ACA Pulse Check no. 5. We are now over a year into the pandemic. How is your practice going? What has changed? What has stayed the same? How is the future looking?
ACA Advocacy on Unfair Contracts
We need to work together to advocate for improved contracts and procurement methodologies, says John Held.
Automatic Mutual Recognition
The ACA welcomes the automatic mutual recognition scheme, which serves as a sound framework to create national harmonisation across the architectural labour force. However, several issues need to be addressed.
Urgent Stimulus Required for Construction Industry
The ACA is calling for Government to fund and bring forward construction projects, prioritising strategically planned, well-timed projects, supported by effective procurement processes and equitable contract terms.
Nominations Open for Australian Honours
Is there someone exceptional within the architecture profession who you would like to nominate for an Australian Honour? The Order of Australia recognises Australians for outstanding service or exceptional achievement in a diverse range of fields and areas of endeavours, including architecture.
ACA Pulse Check 4 - Preliminary Findings
Announcing the preliminary results of Pulse Check no. 4
ACA Response to National Registration Framework
The ACA, in collaboration with the Australian Institute of Architects, has responded to the ABCB’s discussion paper on the proposed national registration framework, pointing out the problematic lack of distinction made between a registered architect and building designer.
VicPulse Findings
The ACA – Vic/Tas has released the results of the first VicPulse survey. Top level findings reveal worrying levels of work cancelled or on hold. On the other hand, the survey responses are quite positive in terms of wellbeing and many practices have been able to keep staff on due to the support of JobKeeper.
Pulse Check No. 3 - Preliminary Findings
The preliminary findings of the ACA Pulse Check No. 3 are out now. Concerns about workflow continue, but some projects have restarted and JobKeeper payments have enabled many practices to keep staff on. Mental wellbeing results are positive overall, with some toll on senior management. Practices are returning to the office and considering necessary changes.
ACA delighted to support Monash Mental Wellbeing Research project
The ACA is proud to support the new research project Architectural Work Cultures: professional identity, education and wellbeing, led by Professor Naomi Stead of Monash University.
ACA Pulse Check Advice on Mental Wellbeing
The ACA Pulse Check No 2 survey invited participants to answer questions about the mental wellbeing of their practice and people. Susie Ashworth unpacks the results and highlights the best tips and advice for looking after the mental wellbeing of all within practice.
Pulse Check No. 2 - Preliminary Results
The ACA has released the preliminary results of the ACA Pulse Check No. 2. Top line findings reveal serious concerns about workflow, financial impact and employment, but the survey also shows that architectural practices are adapting quickly to the changed working environments.
ACA Pulse Check no. 1 - Preliminary Findings
The ACA has released the preliminary results of the ACA Pulse Check no. 1. We are now analysing these further.
Architectural Education and the Profession
The ACA welcomes the release of the Architectural Education and the Profession in Australia and New Zealand, and looks forward to putting the knowledge to work and collaborating on future research.
NSW Design and Building Practitioners’ Bill
The ACA welcomes NSW draft legislation and supports the NSW Government’s efforts on building quality.
ACA Response to BMF Decision
The BMF announcement to adopt a consistent national approach to reform in the Australian construction industry is welcome news.
Victorian Government Leadership on Cladding
The release of the Victorian Cladding Taskforce Final Report and associated program of work is welcomed by the ACA, but the Federal Government must also take action to ensure a unified national approach.
Joint Statement - Implementing the Building Confidence Report
The government must act now to ensure the design and construction of safe, well-constructed buildings and to restore public trust in Australia’s built environment.
To Survey or Not to Survey
Our recent questionnaire about the ACA's National Salary Survey uncovered some interesting findings and observations. ACA CEO Angelina Pillai unpacks the results.
Shergold Weir Report Implementation
The Building Confidence Report Implementation Plan has now been released. What does it mean for the architecture profession? Where are the opportunities and what are the challenges? How is the ACA working on a response? We present a summary of the plan and ACA commentary for each state and territory.
Building Commissioner Auditing Not Enough
The NSW Government announcement of a new Building Commissioner to audit building design and construction does not go far enough. Government needs to investigate the construction contracting methods, relationships and behaviours that affect building quality and safety.
Challenging the Banks’ Discrimination Against ABIC
Warwick Mihaly outlines the findings of the recent survey on the banks and ABIC contracts. The worrying results provided the foundation for the joint submission to the Banking Royal Commission by the ACA, ArchiTeam and the Institute of Architects.
Submission to the Banking Royal Commission
The ACA has joined forces with the Institute and ArchiTeam to condemn the unfair treatment of industry-standard construction contracts by banks in a submission to the Banking Royal Commission.
2018 Salary Survey Findings
The findings of the 2018 National Salary Survey, with analysis by Dr Gill Matthewson, are now out. There is still a gender pay gap and some practices persist in paying under Award minimums!
Langoulant Review into WA Major State Projects
An inquiry led by former under treasurer, John Langoulant, into recent WA state government projects and contracts has revealed gross incompetence and highlighted the need for a major reformation to current procurement processes.
Procurement in WA: Government as ‘model client’
A joint submission to the WA Commission of Inquiry into Government Programs and Projects.
What Does the 2017 Federal Budget Mean for Architects?
John Held reflects on the findings of the 2017 ACA Federal Budget Impact Survey.
2017 Salary Survey - Findings
The findings of the 2017 National Salary Survey, with analysis by Dr Gill Matthewson, are now out - salaries are up very slightly, but worrying trends continue for the third year. There is still a gender pay gap and some practices persist in paying under Award minimums!
2017 ACA Budget Impact Survey
What does the 2017 Federal Budget mean for architectural practices and the profession?
Procuring Architectural Services - an Industry Discussion Paper
The ACA Industry Discussion Paper on Procuring Architectural Services aims to provoke conversation and thought about the role procurement plays in the development of our cities and communities.
Learning Environment Opportunity Study
ACA - SA has been working closely with the SA Department of Education and Child Development to introduce a new type of planning study for schools.
Design WA Submissions
ACA - WA has submitted responses to four Design WA documents and policies.
DAP and DACs in WA - survey report
The ACA - WA member survey on WA Development Assessment Panel and local authority Design Advisory Committees is providing an important evidence base for advocacy with the Minister for Planning.
2016 Salary Survey Report and Analysis
The ACA has released the report on findings of the 2016 National Salary Survey - salaries are up very slightly, but worrying trends continue - there is still a gender pay gap and some practices persist in paying under Award minimums!
SA State Budget Stimulus Package
The SA 2016-17 Budget features a major stimulus package for the construction industry, with $500 million allocated to upgrade school facilities. This is an opportunity for architects to show leadership and work collaboratively to deliver outstanding educational facilities.
Architects in Australia
Insightful reports by Gill Matthewson chart the professional profile of architects and the industry’s growth and development in recent years through the 2001, 2006 and 2011 Censuses.
What Does the 2016 Federal Budget Mean For Architects?
The 2016 Budget Impact Survey indicates a fairly neutral overall response to the 2016 Federal Budget by architectural practices. The good news is that a over half of respondents are busier than last year, although not all are more profitable. John Held considers the findings.
2016 Budget Impact Survey - Findings
The results of this year's ACA Federal Budget Impact Survey.
SA State of the Profession - the research is in
We now know a great deal more about architectural practice in South Australia - three reports provide a comprehensive account of the state of the profession and the opportunities and challenges for the future.
ACA - SA State of the Profession Survey Report
The ACA - SA State of the Architectural Profession survey provides crucial research on the size, shape and characteristics of architectural practice in SA - the first study of its kind in Australia.
Architects in SA - A View from the APBSA data
A report on data from the APBSA provides and overview of the demographics of registered architects in South Australia.
Architects in SA - A view from the census
Architects in SA - A View from the Census is the first report on the Australian architectural profession to look at census data over time.
2015 Salary Survey Report and Analysis
The ACA has released the report on findings of the 2015 National Salary Survey. This outlines the broad trends identified this year and compares these to the results from the previous two years.
Findings - 2015 Federal Budget Impact Survey
The ACA’s 2015 Federal Budget Impact Survey sought to better understand what the budget means for architectural practices and the profession.
What does the 2015 Federal Budget mean for architecture?
The message from the 2015 Federal Budget Impact Survey is clear - some short-term gains for some, but few long terms benefits.
Improving Government Procurement in South Australia
ACA - SA is on the front foot with changes in government procurement - a report on the recent DPTI priorities survey.
Procurement Reform
Finally there is some movement on procurement reform in NSW. Steve Kennedy provides an update.
Unfair Contracts Consultation Submission
The ACA’s submission to the Treasury consultation on Extending Unfair Contract Term Protections To Small Businesses.
2014 Salary Survey Findings
The ACA is pleased to release a report on findings of the first two iterations of the National Salary Survey.
The Canary Sings - Architectural Practices Concerned About the 2014 Federal Budget
What does the federal budget mean for practices, the profession and society?
2014 Federal Budget
What does the 2014 Federal Budget mean for the business of architecture? We provide initial key points and a roundup of coverage so far.
Preliminary Observations from the Inaugural Salary Survey
The ACA ran its inaugural salary survey in mid-2013. What does it tell us about renumeration in the profession?