SA Advocacy in Action 2023
In the ACA SA Committee, members are passionate and committed to representing the business of architecture and being a voice for practices in their state. Here, Justin Cucchiarelli offers a glimpse of recent advocacy work in South Australia.
Planning System Implementation Review submission
In November 2022, the ACA participated in the South Australian government’s independent review of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 and the Planning and Design Code. An expert panel prepared discussion and summary papers, and invited the ACA and other peak bodies to respond. The papers sought feedback on character and heritage including elevation of character areas and updating of character area statements. They also invited comment on Accredited Professionals, Local Heritage, Deemed Consents, Assessment of Design Quality, Amendments to Design, Tree Canopy, and the Planning E-Portal. Following the written submission, fellow ACA SA Committee member Mario Dreosti and I presented the paper at a deputation to the Planning Reform Review Panel.
Advocacy with DIT
Simon Thomson led advocacy with DIT for the ACA SA Committee for many years, and recently retired from the Committee. We thank him for his commitment and hard work. In May I attended my first DIT Commercial Industry Forum Meeting with John Held. Discussion revolved around general industry issues with DIT, and advocacy groups from the professions, contractors and trades. Some points of discussion included rise and fall contracts as well as the upcoming State Government Environmental Guidelines.
Quarterly engagement and collaboration
The ACA has continued representation at an informal quarterly engagement convened by the Government Architect, Kirsteen Mackay, with the Architects Board, ODASA and AIA sharing industry knowledge and points for discussion. Current topics include local implementation of the Building Confidence Report, changes to the Architectural Practice Exams, mutual recognition, and registration and CPD issues. It is a valuable opportunity for all the organisations involved with the architectural profession in SA to share their views and concerns.