SA Calendar of Events 2020
An overview of activities in South Australia this month.
It’s the new financial year and we thank those who have promptly renewed their membership of ACA – SA. We’d like to hear from members as to their priorities and what they would like ACA to focus on locally. We are also due for elections in the next few months – and we’d love to have some new faces on the committee! Contact Graham Hardy if you are interested.
Roundtable Report – A Dialogue With Planners
ACA’s most recent Roundtable was held at Hardy Milazzo in June with a good cross-section of planners from both Government and the private sector. We heard an update on the government’s plans and a discussion on the efficacy of the Design Review process. There were also some interesting thoughts on the impact of driverless cars on urban planning.
There is a sense of urgency in fixing the issues related to development in the inner suburbs, learning from some of the successes in the CBD. The role of architects and the value that good design brings to development was also emphasised.
ACA – SA’s roundtable series are a unique opportunity for architects to engage in constructive dialogue with other professions whose work influences the built environment. The meeting with planners continued this tradition to the benefit of both professions.
DPTI Procurement
As noted last month, the ongoing reorganisation of DPTI has made it difficult to promote the key issues which ACA – SA regard as critical for good government procurement. The advancing of the government BIM agenda is also stalled. We met with Luigi Rossi a few weeks ago in the company of Peter Barda, CEO of the Australian Construction Industry Forum, and received a good response to the uptake of BIM within DPTI over the next 2 to3 years. However, we are still waiting for a meeting to re-establish the BIM task force and for the Construction Professionals Forum to be re-established.
Keith Neighbour Study Group
Another group is under way, with over 20 participants!
Architectural Practice Board Fellowship – State Of The Profession: Update
Work continues on our Fellowship research project, with a reference group meeting later this month to further refine the scope of the information. We are waiting for a response from APBSA on their plans but hope to have a survey either from our reference group or through the Board in the near future.