SA Update

Events and advocacy – John Held on ACA – SA activity.
Upcoming events for your diary
12 July – Practice Managers lunch – putting cyber security into practice + insurance with Datacom and Planned Cover
19 July – A conversation with Sean Godsell
ACA – SA Visit to UniSA’s Pridham Hall
Fifty architects visited the new UniSA Pridham Hall in May for the ACA – SA tour. We heard about collaboration between JPE Design Studio, Snøhetta and the Jam Factory and about UniSA’s great procurement processes. Thanks to Josephine Evans, UniSA and Sascha Byrne for organising!
Government Procurement
It’s yet to become clear exactly what will change as the new Marshall government considers procurement options for government projects. At a recent meeting of Construction Industry Forum representatives with the new Minister for Industry and Skills, David Pisoni, we were advised the Building Better Schools program would be undertaken by DPTI, not through a new procurement section within DECD, and that there was less likelihood of the use of D&C for small projects. The BBS program is being reconfigured to incorporate the shift of year 7s to high school sites.
We will continue to advocate for good procurement practice and good design being essential to government procurement.