Stepping Up!

21 March 2022 - Updated: 29 April 2023

The ACA is delighted to continue the Stepping Up series for 2023, a collaborative event and editorial series with Parlour and the Architecture Group of the Champions of Change.

The series shares practical approaches to improving equity in architecture and built environment practices, and offers an opportunity to build knowledge and to facilitate exchanges of experiences, ideas and expertise.

Stepping Up is for all those interested in creating long-term change – including developing and implementing workplace policies and protocols and reshaping organisational cultures and habits to better support equity. Stepping Up offers the opportunity to build knowledge and to facilitate exchanges of experiences, ideas and expertise between practices of different sizes, scales and experiences.

The Architecture Group of the Champions of Change Coalition has spent eight years developing strategies, resources and policies to help advance gender equity within some of Australia’s largest architectural practices. This is a work in progress – many gains have been made, but progress is uneven and there is still much work to do. The group is now keen to share the resources developed to date, along with experiences of implementing these.

What are the roles and obligations of practice leaders? What progress has been made? How has this been achieved? What challenges and barriers have been encountered? How have they been navigated? What can these large practices learn from the experiences of others in the industry? Join us as we canvas these and many other questions through lively, provocative, honest conversations.

For more on the genesis, motivations, achievements and challenges of the’ Champion of Change Architecture Group, see the interview with Monica Edwards and Shaun Carter.

Each month explores a specific topic through a set of articles and an online conversation. Recordings of the discussion are available after each event. Book for the 2023 events below or via individual event notices.

Access to the recordings can be purchased via Parlour’s Vimeo on Demand channel.


Each month we tackle a different topic, sharing knowledge, resources and experiences that will assist ACA practices of all types and sizes.


Listening, Learning & Leadership (April)
Flexibility (May)
Parental Leave (June)
Mentoring (July)
Sexual Harassment & Bullying (August)
Role Descriptions & Career Development (September)
Sponsorship (October)


Presenteeism (May)
Carers Leave (June)
Ownership Structures (July)
Power and Privilege (August)
Pay Equity (August)
Career Development (September)
Family and Domestic Violence (October)
Psychological Safety (November)


One hour of formal CPD will be available for all sessions on completion of the CPD questions. Recordings will also be available afterwards.

Once the questions are completed, you will receive an email with your responses. This provides the evidence of attendance and completion for the session. Please keep the response email for your records. A separate certificate will not be issued.

The learning objectives for the series are as follows:

  • To increase understanding of the factors that contribute to gender inequity within architecture and strategies for addressing these.
  • To increase understanding of the roles practice and professional leaders can play in improving gender equity, and to learn from the discussion of experiences gained, challenges met and progress made.
  • To understand how gender equity issues have been tackled by practices of different scales and types.
  • To gain increased knowledge of developing and implementing workplace policies and protocols to support gender equity.
  • To gain increased knowledge of reshaping organisational cultures and habits with the aim of better supporting gender equity.
  • To gain increased knowledge of how to support the career development of staff within architectural practices, with a focus on equity.

These are relevant to the practice management competencies set out in the National Competency Standard for Architects.


Book for events each month, or for the whole series below.

ACA members / Parlour Collective – $25
General ticket – $40
Concession – $11 (students, part-timers and anyone else who needs it)

We operate on an honesty system – select the ticket type that aligns with your circumstances. If you haven’t yet joined the Parlour Collective, join now to access discount pricing and many other benefits, and to support Parlour’s ongoing work! Any proceeds over and above the costs of delivering the Stepping Up program will be set aside for future equity projects led by Parlour.

Bookings are open for all 2023 sessions. If you would like to book multiple sessions, select the first session and head to the checkout. Then, in the pop-up window, select ‘Buy more tickets’ to add more sessions before making payment.