Switch off the Lights - Part 2

How do you shut down an architectural practice? The ACA presents the second webinar on how to close a business.
Following on from the very successful first session, Part 2 of this series, will explore aspects of the practice of architecture that need to be considered when closing down.
- What are the obligations for the keeping of records in both legal and practical senses?
- Are files and drawings of prominent or award winning projects to be kept?
- Does any institution want files and drawings of your practice?
- Can you gift drawings or other artworks to institutions and are such gifts tax deductible?
Speakers are:
- Peter Hersh, accountant and partner at Logicca
- Brendan Hoffman, construction lawyer and partner, Bradbury Legal
- Campbell Bickerstaff, architecture curator at the Powerhouse Museum
These are the webinars for all those thinking of retiring gracefully or otherwise, planning a career change or a sideways move. The webinar features a panel of experts with plenty of time for questions and answers.
Wednesday, 13 April, 2016
WA 10.30am registration for 11 am–12pm
NT 11 am for 11.30 am–12.30 pm
SA 12 noon registration for 12.30–1.30 pm
NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas, Qld 12.30 pm registration for 1–2 pm
$20.00 members
$30.00 non-members
Includes a light lunch at the venue of your choice.
Book online here. Bookings close COB Monday, 11 April 2016.
For further information contact
Michelle Eades nat@aca.org.au mob 0432 646 711.
This event will deliver one hour of formal CPD.
The ACA National Webinars are hosted by ACA members across Australia. Members located close to a host office meet with others over a simple lunch, combining professional development with an opportunity to chat with fellow members and actively participate in the national discussion.
Members located remotely, regionally, or at a distance from a host office are able to login online. You will be sent details of this once you have booked.
Venues for Switch Off the Lights are listed below.
AC and A Architects
3/28 Thynne Street, Bruce.
Ph 6282 4311.
New South Wales
Fulton Trotter Architects
Level 3, 35 Spring Street
Bondi Junction
Ph 02 9369 5941
Suite 2, 19 Harris Street
Ph 02 8569 5000
Design Corp
16 Dunlop Street
North Parramatta
Ph 02 9630 9911
MSK Group
Unit 13, 829 Old Northern Road
02 9651 6500
Western Australia
Coda Studio
10 Elder Place
Meyer Shircore and Associates
Suite 2, Ground Floor, 437 Roberts Road,
Subiaco WA 6008
Level 7, 232 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne
Fulton Trotter
18 Portman Lane
Spring Hill
South Australia
South Australian members will log in individually, using remote access
Tasmanian members will log in individually, using remote access