WA Update – June 2023
Advocacy has been a strong focus for the ACA WA Committee in 2023, with important work on the NRF and participation in the new Building Environment Reference Group. Activities have also included the development of a RAP, new resources and local events.
WA Safety in Design Webinar
The ACA WA Committee hosted this webinar on the recently updated ACA Safety in Design templates for WA. Presented by a legal expert from Jackson MacDonald.
WA Sponsors 2024
The WA Committee could not do the work that we do without the support of our sponsors. This short article offers an overview of who they are and what they do in 2023.
WA 2022 Update
The WA Committee has had another productive year, providing business advice relevant to our state, advocating on behalf of our members and many opportunities to socialise. Our WA Update provides a summary of the activities that have kept us busy in 2022.
Legal overview of WA’s WHS changes
Tom Earls from Fair Work Lawyers provides an overview of the new WHS laws brought into effect in WA in March 2022. Practices need to be aware that there are potentially significant changes to the way that safety in design is dealt with under the new WHS legislation.
WA Welcome to 2022 Breakfast
The WA Branch is kicking off the year with a relaxed breakfast shared amongst our committee, members, and special invited guests.
Managing Small Business Finance in a Crisis
Join the ACA - WA's Business of Small Practice (BoSP) team and Line Paras from business support agency Counting Clouds on 22 April for a webinar on how to manage small business finance in a crisis.
Marketing Gold with Rachael Bernstone
Don’t miss the WA branch’s next Lunch and Learn event on 20 March, when communications expert Rachael Bernstone will share her tips on how to turn your awards entries into marketing gold.
Don’t Miss Xmas Drinks in WA
Raise a glass with us and celebrate another great year in the business of architecture in Perth on Thursday 5 December.
Future Plans, Mentoring & Prizes in WA
The ACA - WA recaps recent events and future plans, and talks mentoring schemes and prizes.
Non-conforming Building Products in the Built Environment
Join the Institute of Architects WA Chapter and the ACA - WA on 5 August for a presentation on Non-Conforming Products in the Built Environment.
Congratulations Kukame McPierzie!
Congratulations to Kukame McPierzie on receiving the WA Emerging Architect Prize from the Australian Institute of Architects.
Book Now for BoSP 4
ACA - WA is delighted to present BoSP 4, an in-depth session with Sydney-based HR expert Merilyn Speiser on 2 August.
Don't Miss the WA Members Lunch
Clear the diary on 25 July for the ACA - WA's annual Members Lunch to celebrate the start of a new financial year.
Digital Twins for the Built World
The ACA - WA Committee, in partnership with Hassell and Consult Australia, is proud to present a discussion about innovative new technology with keynote speaker Joshua Ridley on 4 July. Book now!
Financial Health of Small Practice
WA's Business of Small Practice forum is proving a popular staple on the event calendar, with the recent instalment focusing on the delicate balance of financial health, personal values and enjoyment of the work.
Money Matters
How do you improve your bottom line without letting go of your values or your daily enjoyment of the work? On 10 May, Warwick Mihaly will share his insights for BoSP3 in WA.
Parlour Census Report Event in WA
Please join the ACA, the Institute and Parlour on 21 March for a presentation on the Parlour Census Report, followed by a panel discussion about future action and advocacy.
Data at Work in WA
Please join the ACA and Parlour at Notre Dame University on 21 March for a presentation on the Parlour Census Report, and a discussion about future action and advocacy.
2019 Welcome Breakfast in WA
The ACA - WA Committee welcomes in the new year with breakfast for members and sponsors at one of Perth's best cafes.
Extensive Event Program for 2019
The ACA - WA Committee is delighted to announce its calendar of events for 2019. More details will be provided in the new year.
Christmas Celebration in WA
There was a healthy turnout for the ACA - WA's annual President’s Cocktail Party on the rooftop of the Alex Hotel.
Business of Small Practice 2: Organisational Structure
Join the ACA - WA on 23 November to talk shares, trusts, asset protection and employee ownership at a breakfast BoSP event.
President's Drinks in WA
Come along to our annual President's end-of-year drinks on the rooftop of The Alex Hotel!
WA Calendar Update
Western Australia is gearing up for a busy end to 2018! The following events have been scheduled, with dates to be announced shortly.
Welcome Kukame McPierzie
ACA - WA is pleased to welcome Kukame McPierzie, design director at Gresley Abas, to our branch committee.
The Business of Small Practice Forum
The ACA - WA is excited to announce the first event in a new series curated specifically for small business.
Troubling Times for the WA Construction Industry
Join the ACA - WA to discuss risk allocation, insolvency and the local precarious state of the construction industry at their next event on 17 May.
Wanted: New Committee Members for ACA - WA
The WA Committee is on the hunt for new members.
WA Event: Breakfast at the West End Deli
Join us for breakfast in Perth and learn more about our new Strategic Plan!
Welcome to ACA - WA
Come along to our first event of 2018 to find out more about the ACA Toolbox and how we can help you improve your business.
What’s on in WA?
The ACA - WA Committee has a host of interesting events planned for 2018. Here’s a rundown.
ACA - WA the end of a busy year
ACA - WA has celebrated the end of a busy year, and there are many plans for the coming year.
Farewell and Thanks
Peter Hodge and Greg Howlett are retiring from the ACA - WA Committee. Thanks for all the work and wisdom!
Breakfast with Adrian Hughes QC
ACA - WA invites members to meet with pre-eminent barrister, Adrian Hughes QC, at an event held in conjunction with Consult Australia and the Society of Construction Law.
Congratulations Michael Gay
Congratulations to Michael Gay, ACA - WA’s newest committee member, on being awarded the WA Emerging Architect Prize from the Australian Institute of Architects.
The ACA - WA Committee is delighted to invite you to our next lunch, held in celebration of the end of financial year.
Farewell Theo Gaunt, Welcome Emma Brain
ACA - WA farewells Theo Gaunt and welcomes Emma Brain as the new branch executive officer.
Procuring Architectural Services: An Industry Discussion Paper
Join the ACA - WA for a discussion event to launch our Industry Discussion Paper on Procuring Architectural Services on April 12.
ACA - WA Update
Best practice in procurement is top of the agenda for the ACA - WA this year, with several initiatives planned.
Design WA Submissions
ACA - WA has submitted responses to four Design WA documents and policies.
WA 2016 Update
It has been another busy year for the ACA in WA. President Kieran Wong gives an overview in his speech from the 2016 President's Cocktail Party.
ACA - WA Welcomes Changes to the DAP System
ACA - WA welcomes the announcement of amendments and improvements to the Development Assessment Panel (DAP) process in Western Australia by the Hon Donna Faragher MLC, Minister for Planning; Disability Services.
DAP and DACs in WA - survey report
The ACA - WA member survey on WA Development Assessment Panel and local authority Design Advisory Committees is providing an important evidence base for advocacy with the Minister for Planning.
ACA - WA Survey - How effective are DAP and DAC processes?
What are your experiences of the WA Development Assessment Panel (DAP) and local authority Design Advisory Committees? Please tell us at a panel discussion on 29 August.
WA Lunch
Join ACA - WA for lunch on Friday June 24 to mix and mingle with fellow members.
2016 - Continuity and Change at ACA - WA
New ACA - WA President Greg Howlett introduces himself and ACA plans for 2016.
WA President's Cocktail Party - with pics!
ACA - WA's Cocktail Party farewelled Richard Young and welcomed Greg Howlett as the new President.
WA President's Cocktail Party
Richard Young invites WA members to the President’s Cocktail Party.
Farewell Richard Young
The ACA wishes Richard Young, the current ACA - WA President, well in his retirement, and welcomes Greg Howlett as the new WA President.
Building Information Modelling, Procurement & Contracts
Does BIM require or benefit from new contract provisions and new procurement models? Find out at a breakfast talk by Professor David Mosey in Perth on 13 November.
To Outsource or not to Outsource?
ACA - WA's August seminar looks at the complexities of outsourcing. Book now!
Information, advocacy and new architects
ACA - WA welcomed new members at a lunch event that saw Steve Kennedy reflect on the role of the ACA in addressing issues facing the profession through information and advocacy.
The Changing World of Architecture
The way we deliver projects is changing at an ever-increasing rate. Are we keeping up?
What are We Doing to Ourselves?
Nic MacCormac reports on a vibrant discussion in Perth on architectural business issues, changes in the industry and how we can adapt to them.
ACA - WA President's Overview, 2014
Richard Young, President of ACA - WA, summarises activities of the past year.
Is Your Head in the Cloud?
ACA - WA's first event for 2014 asks, What can cloud technology do for an architectural practice?
PI Insurance & AS 4122 - 2010
Does signing the AS 4122 - 2010 General Conditions of Contract put your PI insurance at risk? The ACA - WA is working to rectify this. Richard Young, ACA - WA President, outlines the issues and progress thus far.
WA Architectural Panel - update
Negotiations continue in WA over the government’s Building Management and Works contracts. Richard Young provides a further update.
Conditions of Engagement in WA - An Update on Negotiations
Richard Young reports on progress in addressing concerns about the Architectural Services Panel Conditions of Engagement.
WA Government Contracts
An update on ACA - WA's ongoing advocacy for better conditions of engagement in government contracts.