The ACA Chat Forum
ACA – NSW/ACT Vice-President and mastermind of the national ACA Chat Forum, Michael Lewarne tells us a little about the ACA’s exciting new project.
At times the practice of architecture can feel like a vacuum. No matter how many Dezeen articles we mouse over, Phaidon books we pile up or AA issues we thumb through, we’re left none the wiser as to how these architects actually did their work. How did they set their office up? What software did they find best? What were the pitfalls of a certain contract? How on earth did they get it approved? What were the hurdles they had to overcome? How did they actually do it?
The ACA Chat Forum is here to help. The profession is an incredible resource of experience and knowledge, yet until now there has been limited opportunity to truly tap this resource. With a little generosity, respect and an argument of architectural knowledge (the correct collective noun I believe), the ACA Chat Forum will become an invaluable resource from those starting in practice through to the wizened wise elders curious about the latest version of Revit.
Open to the entire Australian profession, the ACA Chat Forum is the place to go to spread knowledge, gain insights and to ask questions about the business and practice of architecture. Before you know it, you’ll be wiser, better connected and back in love with your architectural community.
Please join. We’d love to meet you (and pick your brain.)
Join the ACA Chat Forum
Michael Lewarne is Director at Redshift Architecture & Art, the Vice-President of the NSW/ACT Committee of the ACA, and a Coach in Seth Godin’s altMBA. He also recently launched Ed Shift, a community assisting people to lead and do their best work.