The Architects Award
All architectural businesses must understand their obligations under the Architects Award. The latest Architects Award update incorporates all changes up to and including 1 January 2025.
Here we include a short overview of the award, the ACA’s role in negotiating it, and the assistance we provide to members regarding the Award.
Note that new minimum pay rates will apply for some entry-level positions in the Architects Award from 1 January 2025. For more information, see the pay rates and an explanatory article.
See below for links to other relevant industrial Awards for interior designers, draftspeople, administration staff and graphic designers.
How does the ACA assist with the development of the Architects Award?
The ACA is the designated employer organisation for architects under Fair Work Australia. In this capacity we represent architectural employers in negotiating all changes to the Architects Award, and in representing members on related industrial matters. We encourage all architectural employers to familiarise themselves with the award and their obligations under it.
Note: New rates of pay are applicable from 1 July 2024, which factor in the 3.75% increase in modern Award pay rates. The updated Architects Award includes pay rates that apply from 1 July 2024.
The Architects Award incorporates all amendments up to and including 27 August 2024. Clause 13 has been updated to incorporate the new National Standards of Competency for Architects (NSCA).
What is the Architects Award?
The Architects Award is part of the Modern Awards system. The Award should be read in conjunction with the National Employment Standards (NES). Together the Award and the NES contain the minimum conditions of employment for employees covered by the Architects Award.
The Architects Award is organised into the following sections:
- Application and Operation (Part 1)
- Types of Employment and Classifications (Part 2)
- Hours of Work (Part 3)
- Minimum Wages and Related Matters (Part 4)
- Overtime (Part 5)
- Leave and Public Holidays (Part 6)
- Consultation and Dispute Resolution (Part 7)
- Termination of Employment and Redundancy (Part 8)
The Award includes a detailed description of whom it covers (section 1.4). Employers should note that the Architects Award includes minimum wages for students of architecture and graduates, as well as registered architects.
The Award states that employers must ensure that copies of this award and the NES are available to all employees to whom they apply, either on a noticeboard that is conveniently located at or near the workplace or through electronic means, whichever makes them more accessible.
What does the latest update include?
The Architects Award incorporates all amendments up to and including 27 August 2024. Recent changes include:
- Insertion of new Clause 10.5 – Changes to Casual Employment Status
- Insertion of Clause 12A – Employee Right to Disconnect
- Updated Clause 13 to incorporate the new National Standards of Competency for Architects (NSCA)
- Insertion of Clause 23A – Workplace Delegates’ rights
- Variations to clauses in Section 26 – Dispute resolution
Relevant Awards to architectural practice
August 2024 update
Architects Award – 2020
Clerks Award – 2020
Graphics Arts Award – 2020
Manufacturing Award (Drafting staff) – 2020
Miscellaneous Award (Interior Designers) – 2020
How does the ACA help?
The ACA provides regular updates on changes to the minimum wage and the impact of these on the Architects Award and other relevant awards.
The Industrial Awards section of this website provides information and advice on a range of matters relating to the Architects Award. The IR Updates section provides regular updates on changing industrial relations matters.
The ACA represents the interests of employer architects via the ACA Industrial Relations Subcommittee.