The Tools You Need!

16 July 2018

ACA – Vic/Tas invites you to come along to learn how the ACA Business Toolbox can help you run your business. Book now for this free event on 1 August!

  • Do you want access to excellent tools to help you run a profitable and fair business?
  • Would you benefit from regular advice and updates about the Architects Award and other awards relevant to architectural practice?
  • Do you need engaging, relevant and inexpensive CPD?
  • Do you want to be part of a lively and active organisation that speaks up on behalf of architects?

If you answered YES, the Association of Consulting Architects is for you! Come along to find out more about the ACA Toolbox and how we can help you run your business!

Join us on 1 August, when Paul Viney (ACA – Vic/Tas President) and Stephen Cheney (ACA – Vic/Tas Vice President) will offer tips and advice on how to use the ACA Salary Calculator, the Architects’ Time/Cost Calculation Guide, the Short Form Client Architect Agreement and much, much more.

This free event is open to both members and non-members. Come and enjoy wine and cheese and learn how you can use ACA resources to the fullest. We look forward to seeing you!


5.30pm for 6–7.30pm, Wednesday, 1 August 2018


FPPV, 76 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford Victoria


Book online here – booking is essential for catering purposes