Victoria’s Future Cities, Suburbs and Building Reforms
The ACA VIC/TAS branch committee has been working closely with Melbourne University on an upcoming panel discussion event on 20 July on the future of Victoria’s cities, suburbs and building reforms.
State and Federal Governments are now grappling with both housing and infrastructure issues. All stakeholders in the Victorian Building Industry are critical to providing jobs, building for future sustainability, and ensuring consumer protection. The Victorian Government has undertaken a program to reform the building system. These reforms raise important questions about consumer protection, building industry governance and the role of developers, contractors, architects and consultants. However, the building system is complex with many different moving parts and stakeholder interests. This event will explore this context and highlight the issues in this complex landscape and how these might be addressed going forward.
The Forum will be addressed by the Victorian Minister for Planning, The Hon. Sonya Kilkenny MP.
Light refreshments will be served following the panel discussion.
6.30–8pm Thursday, 20 July 2023
Singapore Theatre, Glyn Davis Building, University of Melbourne
- Peter Maddison, Founding Director, Maddison Architects Pty Ltd (Moderator)
- Peter Elliott, Architect and Founder, Peter Elliott Architecture and Urban Design
- Michaela Lihou, Chief Executive Officer, Master Builders Association of Victoria
- Tom Trevaskis, Chief Executive Officer, Burbank Property Group