WA Design Review event
The WA branch of the ACA, alongside the Planning Institute of Australia, Australian Institute of Architects and the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA), will be having an important and timely discussion on design review on 17 September at the Melbourne Hotel.
Following a welcome from the Western Australian Planning Commission Chairman, David Caddy, the Government Architect Rebecca Moore will discuss design review as a key collaborative process for the delivery of well-designed buildings, places and spaces, and how we can work together to shape the future of design review. State Design Review Panel Manager, Barbara Gdowski will then reflect on the SDRP pilot program, lessons learned and how the process has evolved.
Following these presentations, we welcome a lively and collaborative discussion with our Panel, which includes; David Caddy (WAPC Chairman), Kathy Bonus (Chief Planning Advisor) and Rebecca Moore (Government Architect).
Tickets include afternoon tea on arrival and drinks and canapes during the networking session.
2–5pm Friday
17 September 2021
The Melbourne Hotel
33 Milligan Street
Perth, WA 6000
ACA members $105.60 (incl GST)
Non-members $148.50 (incl GST)