WA Government Contracts
An update on ACA – WA’s ongoing advocacy for better conditions of engagement in government contracts.
Through the Built Environment Design Professions (BEDP), the ACA – WA branch is maintaining an active role in a working party engaging with Building Management and Works (BMW) over the conditions of engagement of the new Architectural Services Panel 2012. As previously reported we are responding to the general dissatisfaction with the new conditions, which have caused considerable waves amongst the profession, and we are fighting extremely hard to change some of the unfair amendments to AS 4122-2010 with a particular emphasis on the following issues:
- BMW contracting out of current legislation in regard to proportionate liability
- Limiting liability
- The large number of Special Conditions
- Removing the requirements for architects to engage sub-consultants.
The working party meets on a regular basis.
This item was first published in ACA Communique, June 2013.