WA Panel Discussion on Joint Ventures
Join the ACA – WA on Thursday 4 April for a panel discussion on the merits and pitfalls of joint ventures.
The speed, scale and complexity of projects are increasingly compelling practices to work jointly, pooling resources to deliver the expertise clients require.
In a conversation facilitated by Greg Howlett (COX Architecture), a panel of local experts including Andrew Rogerson (COX Architecture), Adrian Iredale (IPH), Dean Wood (Building Management and Works) and Luke Paterson (Jackson McDonald) will debate the merits and pitfalls of working ‘in association’ or as part of a joint venture.
Issues up for discussion will include who makes the decisions, financial agreements, IT, team dynamics, insurance, and client benefit. Real-life case studies will be referenced throughout the discussion.
Don’t delay in booking for what is sure to be a frank and thought-provoking event!
6pm Thursday
4 April 2019
67 King Street,
Perth WA 6000
Members: free
Non-members: $10