WA Update – July 2022

The ACA in WA continues to go from strength to strength, with 82 member practices representing nearly 600 staff. Advocacy on the National Registration Framework is currently a major focus for the WA Committee.
Our committee represents the diversity of our member practices, and each person brings a unique set of skills and interests to our meetings. The 2022 WA Committee is:
- President: Kukame McPierzie, Woods Bagot
- Vice-President: Kate Fitzgerald, Whispering Smith
- Treasurer: Janine Marsh, Doepel Marsh
- Secretary: Kali Passmore, Gresley Abas
- Felice Burrows, Architects&Co
- Michel Greenhalgh, MCG Architects (representing regional practice)
- David Gulland, Hassell
- Malcolm Jones, Meyer Shircore
- Andrew Rogerson, COX
- Emily Van Eyk, Mt Eyk
- Executive Officer: Emma Brain
Our activities and initiatives continue to be shaped by our willingness to advocate, connect and inform.
On the advocacy front, our committee has been focused on the National Registration Framework. We have allocated substantial funds in the year’s budget to advocate for the protection of our profession. If legislated, the NRF will diminish the status of architects by equating our skills with those of building designers and drafters. We are supportive of most of the changes recommended by the NRF, but want to ensure that architects sit at the top in terms of expertise and recognition.
We have engaged Dr Felicity Morel-Ednie Brown to assist us to refine our position and craft an argument that will support engagement with the State Government. Felicity worked for many years in the Department of Premier and Cabinet and understands the machinations of government; she is also a strategic facilitator, cultural heritage and urban policy specialist, and partner of an architect!
We are in the process of establishing an Action Plan to guide our approach in coming months. We will be lobbying government and involving our members in a consolidated campaign. We need members to be across the issue and prepared to voice their concern to MPs or use social media to share information. Please let Emma know if you would like to be more involved in this campaign.
We cautiously held two face-to-face events in the first half of the year – our new year breakfast and a Business of Small Practice session entitled ‘Meaningful Marketing’. Both were very well attended by members who enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with colleagues and learn something new. Our plan is to re-run the BoSP as an online event later in the year – stay tuned for this.
Our annual Business of Design Lunch will be held on Friday 15 July at Willi’s Bar at the Royal Hotel in Perth. Expect discussion and debate as Dale Alcock shares his perspective on the future of development of Perth.
Earlier in the year, we engaged Tom Earls from Fair Work Lawyers to provide an overview of the new workplace health and safety laws brought into effect in WA in March 2022. As we have said previously, we are concerned about the potential ramifications of these laws and encourage all our members to familiarise themselves with the changes.
We are planning an event on this subject for later in the year.
Finally, we would like to thank our sponsors without whom this work would not be possible:
GOLD: Rondo, Unios, Lysaght, Armstrong Ceilings
SILVER: Armstrong Floorings, Winnings Appliances