WA Update - Survey, Events & Plans for 2020

2 December 2019

The ACA – WA Committee offers an overview of 2019 and a glimpse of 2020’s upcoming initiatives.

Member survey

Last month the ACA – WA sent out a member survey to collect feedback, observations and ideas from our members. At the time of writing we had achieved a participation rate of just over 50% of member practices. Our goal is to get to 100% before the end of the week. So far, the results are very encouraging, with 80% of participants reporting to be VERY SATISFIED with their membership to the ACA. The survey has also provided useful feedback as to the most valued sections of the ACA website; advocacy issues to be raised with government and industry representatives; and topics for next year’s member events.


Earlier in the year, BoSP went national! Kate Fitzgerald from our committee flew to Adelaide to facilitate a panel discussion with a handful of small SA practices. She was delighted to see a genuine willingness to share knowledge and to build a supportive community.

Committee member Kukame McPierzie was part of a panel in a recent Architects Declare Forum, which was sponsored in part by the WA branch. The event was a sell-out, reflecting a growing concern about the role architects can play in addressing the climate emergency.

Malcolm Jones and Kate Fitzgerald are working on a framework and guideline for a mentor scheme between experienced and newly established practice directors, which will be launched in the new year.

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Rachael Bernstone chaired a panel discussion for a recent Architects Declare Forum in Perth.


Our final event of the year is the President’s Christmas Drinks, to be held on the roof at the Alex Hotel in Northbridge on Thursday 5 December. We are working hard to raise the profile of the ACA in WA and have extended invitations to representatives in Government and in relevant government departments. We are anticipating a good turnout with the Leader of the Opposition, Hon Lisa Harvey confirmed as attending. Our National CEO, Angelina Pillai, is joining us as well.


The ACA – WA will continue to advocate to government and industry leaders on members’ behalf on pressing issues such as Fee Cutting, Procurement and Building Quality.


A very warm welcome to the new members who have joined us this year:

  • Steelehouse Architecture
  • Kirstie Stewart Architecture
  • Michelle Blakeley
  • Rezen Studio
  • Braham Architects
  • NORDA Architects
  • Carrier and Postmus Architects
  • Drury Architecture
  • Bosske Architecture
  • archterra


Thanks to our sponsors Kingspan and Rondo for their continued support, and to our new sponsor Armstrong Ceilings. Thanks also to the ACA Committee and Executive Officer Emma Brain for their continuing efforts and assistance.

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