Welcoming Queensland's newest architects

12 January 2014

ACA – Qld celebrated the achievements of newly registered architects at its 2013 Annual Members Lunch.

The Annual Members Lunch was an opportunity to acknowledge, encourage and, most importantly, promote the positive achievements of young architects – our future leaders.

The Queensland Branch Committee recognised that for architects, achieving registration is something of a low-key milestone after six or seven intensive years of study and preparation. In order to better celebrate their achievements, members of the ACA – Qld branch were invited to bring along their staff who had registered in the last 12 months.

After the luncheon, we invited the recent registrants to comment on the worth of an event such as this, which recognises and celebrates their entry into the profession. Some sample replies follow:

“Ten! Ten! Ten! I think it’s a very worthy initiative. I actually finished the week feeling more professional and actually part of a profession. I can only imagine this would also boost the membership of younger professionals to anybody who undertakes these sorts of initiations. Everyone wins!”

“I thought it was extremely worthwhile. I know I certainly appreciated the gesture and opportunity to celebrate it with colleagues and senior staff that all assisted in getting us to the registration.”

“Friday was great. None of us knew what to expect from the lunch, and it was a lot more formal/prestige/special and smaller than I think any of us anticipated. I think it would be great to continue/grow this tradition.”

“It was a very worthwhile experience. I quite enjoyed hearing the various introductions of recent architects by their current employers and it topped the registration process off by noting it as a big achievement and something to be proud of.”

This article first appeared in ACA Communique September 2013.