ACA NEC March Meeting 2023
The ACA’s National Executive Committee caught up face to face in Melbourne recently for two days of discussion, workshops, planning and guest industry speakers. WA President Kukame McPierzie highlights the key takeaways.
We just wrapped a productive few days in Melbourne with the National Executive Committee of the Association of Consulting Architects.
It is always so great spending time with people from around the country who are genuinely committed to the continued growth and development of the Australian architectural profession.
The ACA is the leading voice for the business of architecture in Australia and our agenda included:
- Sustainable Architectural Businesses
- Current Trends, Issues and Advocacy
- Regional Engagement
- Wellbeing in the Profession
- Reconciliation Action
- Strategic Planning
- Industrial Relations
- Presentations from Industry
- Resources and Toolkits
- Partnerships
We have an exciting program planned for the coming years.
If you want to become a member or get involved with the ACA, please reach out to your state committee members or Presidents. See branch contacts here.
Kukame McPierzie
ACA WA President