Sexual Harassment Reforms – What They Mean For Employers

Tom Earls , 6 March 2023

Recent anti-discrimination and Fair Work amendment legislation has introduced a number of important legislative changes specifically targeting sexual harassment in the workplace. Tom Earls from Fair Work Lawyers provides a recap of the changes and their implications for employers.

On Monday 6 March 2023, new laws commence, which include easier and more powerful access to courts for persons making complaints about workplace harassment. This is a timely reminder for employers to review these changes and update their systems and procedures to deal with these new laws.

This member-only update provides an overview of those changes and the considerations for employers arising from them. Note these reforms are not contained in a single coherent piece of legislation. Instead, they are spread across several pieces of legislation, each of which has its own nuances and pathways for enforcement. This update does not delve into the complex detail of how these laws interact.

Log in below to read the full update with a summary of the legislative changes, avenues for aggrieved persons, and a list of considerations and recommended actions for employers.

NOTE: Member Only Content

The matters in this update are necessarily general in nature and specific advice must be sought for specific circumstances. If you would like further information in relation to these matters, contact the team at Fair Work Lawyers.