Architects & Social Media
There is an increasing amount of material out there about how architects can use social media effectively for business and professional development. We provide a roundup of recent material.
How Architects Should Use Social Media
Architecture critic Alexandra Lange looks at how architects use social media platforms such a twitter and instagram, and argues that many are doing it poorly. Instead she argues that “architects need to start thinking of social media as the first draft of history”.
How Architects Use the Internet
Su Butcher’s blog Just Practising includes a number of pieces on architects and social media. These include: How do Architects Use the Internet and How Architects use the Internet – Some Research Results; the latter discusses a recent UK research report on how the construction industry uses different communication channels. A follow-up piece Controlling Employees use of Social Media provides a helpful guide to managing employees’ use of online media in a business context. In LinkedIn Training – What I’ve Learned Su reflects on how architectural practices are using LinkedIn and how they might improve this. (It is well worth exploring the Just Practising blog more widely – it covers many business issues in architecture. Some of these are specific to the UK, but many are applicable to Australia, too.) The following lists some other useful articles and podcasts:
Social Media in Construction
Podcast of an interview with Su Butcher by Pritesh Patel. This is the first in a series of podcasts about marketing and the construction industry.
Social Primer for Practice and Projects
An article by Lira Luis for Metropolis magazine canvases the impact social media is having on the dissemination and discussion of architectural ideas, while pointing out that many practices are still to “justify the return-on-investment of time”. She then discusses a new platform, KINetic, created specifically for architects and design professionals
The Architects’ Guide to Pinterest
This short overview of Pinterest from Anna Winston on BDOnline outlines what Pinterest might mean for architectural practices and how you can use it to generate business leads, as well as to keep track of visual resources.
Are you LinkedIn?
Over at the American Institute of Architects, Jason Wagner of Oculus provides a straightforward guide to “Using LinkedIn to find Clients, Colleagues, and Consultants”.
Hi, I’m Bob … and I am an Architect Blogger
Bob Borson, author of the very popular American blog, Life of an Architect, writes casually about why he blogs and the opportunities and challenges that blogging present. The related post Responsibility: Don’t Be a Dunce continues the theme.
Top 10 Apps for Architects
Archdaily utilises a readers’ poll to update its list of top smartphone apps for architects.