Short Form Client Architect Agreement

Just three pages and a cover letter, the ACA Short Form Client Architect Agreement is a fair and balanced model contract for use on small- to medium-sized projects. Updated December 2023.
The Short Form Client Architect Agreement was updated in December 2023 to reflect changes to the unfair contracts legislation that came into effect on 10 November 2023. A review was carried out by Christopher Larcos of Moray Agnew Lawyers on behalf of the ACA, and amendments made.
The Agreement was also reviewed in 2021 in response to feedback relating to clauses covering releases, indemnities, and limitations on liability.
Prepared by Christopher Larcos on behalf of the ACA, the Short Form Client Architect Agreement provides a simple and clear template that has been approved by insurers Planned Cover. The Agreement is an ACA member resource, part of the ACA Toolbox. Members are urged to download the new amended agreement and replace Version 4. Simply log in below to download the contract and cover letter, which are available as editable Word files and as a PDF reference copy.
“We’re really happy with the new ACA Short Form Client/Architect Agreement as we find it quick to execute and easy for our clients to understand. We even had one client comment that the contract was the best he’d seen in the industry.”—Architecture Republic
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Note: Architects may wish to reformat the contract terms by changing logos, fonts, and so on. However, it is important that they retain the clause numbering and indent structure in the contract terms.
Disclaimer: The standard terms in the ACA Short Form Architect Client Agreement are intended to be used without amendment. Accordingly, anyone intending to amend them should seek legal advice.